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Future Priorities and Targets
As in 2016, we surveyed all staff in 2017, so we have
been able to break down the results by department.
In addition, we remain committed to:
Each department has been provided with their own
survey data and are all undertaking a local ‘LiA style’ • Continuing to engage the whole workforce in the Staff
conversation with teams in order for them to identify Survey to further increase the Staff Survey response
their top areas for local improvement. rate and responses for 2018
• Ensuring continued engagement with staff side
In addition, Trust wide actions have been agreed and representatives
supported by the senior leadership team, aiming to
address key areas identified as requiring improvement • Encouraging local ownership for survey outcomes,
such as: especially at department level
• Supporting leadership and management • Reviewing the local ‘Temperature Check’ mechanism,
development, with a focus on our clinical leaders and monitor progress and trends Trust wide and
• Increase focus on health and wellbeing, including
specific focus on reducing sickness absence and • Monitoring performance regularly at the Board,
stress awareness and management Workforce and Organisational Development
Committee and Divisional Performance meetings.
• Quality and uptake of training opportunities
• Quality of appraisals
These actions and associated activity will be
monitored via the Trust Workforce and Organisational
Development Committee of the Board.
Table 1 - Summary of Performance - Results from the NHS Staff Survey 2016 and 2017
Response Rate 2016 2017 Trust Improvement/
(Previous Year) (Current Year) Deterioration
Trust Trust Benchmarking Group
(Trust Type) Average
Response rate 43% 54% 45% 11% Increase
Top 5 Ranking 2016 2017 Trust Improvement/
Scores Deterioration
Trust Trust Benchmarking Group
(Trust Type) Average
KF20. % of Staff Experiencing 7% 7% 9% No Change
Discrimination at Work in the Last
12 Months
KF23. % of Staff Experiencing 1% 1% 1% No Change
Physical Violence from Staff in Last
12 Months
KF26. % of Staff Experiencing 24% 21% 23% Decrease (Positive)
Harassment, Bullying or Abuse
from Staff in Last 12 Months
K15. % of Staff Satisfied with the 52% 58% 54% Increase (Positive)
Opportunities for Flexible Working
KF27. % of Staff/Colleagues 41% 50% 47% Increase (Positive)
Reporting Most Recent Experience
of Harassment, Bullying or Abuse
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 56 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18