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STAFF SURVEY                                           Areas of Improvement

        Staff Engagement                                       The Trust has seen improvements in 18 of the 32 Key
                                                               Findings, with specific improvements in:
        Supporting ‘The Best People Doing their Best Work’ is   • staff recommending Alder Hey as a place for
        one of the four key pillars of the Trust’s strategy and as   treatment or work
        part of this, continuously improving staff engagement
                                                               • staff motivation at work
        and staff satisfaction remains a key priority for the
        Board.                                                 • staff ability to contribute towards improvements at
        In 2017, every team held a staff survey discussion using
                                                               • staff feeling valued and recognised by managers and
        their local survey results to agree a set of actions that
                                                                the Trust
        they would own and take forward in their own area
        of work. This proved to be a highly successful and     • support from immediate managers
        powerful way to ensure that the survey was seen by
                                                               • effective team working
        every member of staff and that actions were taken
        locally to address the issues that really matter to staff.   • staff satisfaction with levels of responsibility and
        In addition to the Staff Survey, we administered a     • staff satisfaction with resourcing and support
        quarterly ‘Temperature Check’ to measure staff
                                                               • an increase in both the numbers and quality of
        engagement which included the ‘Staff Friends and
        Family’ questions.
        Sharing feedback with staff remains our priority and we   • organisational interest in health and wellbeing
        have an ongoing feedback campaign to ensure staff are   • staff confidence in reporting unsafe practice
        kept informed about progress against key actions.
                                                               • fairness and effectiveness of procedures for reporting
        We have continued with our Listening into Action (LiA)   errors, near misses and incidents
        journey during 2017, a key enabler for improving both
                                                               • effective use of patient/service user feedback
        patient experience and staff engagement. LiA continues
        to be welcomed by staff as a way to help them resolve   • the overall engagement score.
        issues and take ownership of making changes in
        their local areas. Through LiA, a staff-led Reward and   Top Ranking Scores and Progress Since 2016
        Recognition group has been established, which has
        been instrumental in setting up a range of programmes   The top ranking scores in 2017 reflect how the
                                                               Trust has supported staff with improved work-life
        in support of recognising and thanking staff for their
                                                               balance, bullying and harassment and dealing with
        Summary of Performance - Results                       The positive actions taken by the Trust regarding
        from the NHS Staff Survey                              discrimination and bullying and harassment can be

                                                               demonstrated by the responses for KF20, KF23, KF26
        Alder Hey’s 2017 Staff Survey shows significant        and KF27 which have been identified as four of our
        improvements from the previous year’s results. In      top ranking scores. Linked to this, there have been
        their detailed analysis of the 2017 Staff Survey, the   improvements to the responses to all four questions
        Association of UK University Hospitals (AUKUH) has     linked to the Workforce Race Equality Standard
        identified Alder Hey as the most improved Trust in the
        country in terms of our ranking on the total number
        of key findings on which we achieved statistically     Bottom Ranking Scores and Action Planning
        significant improvements, and our ranking on the net
        number of significant improvements across the survey.  The Trust has been ranked below average, when
                                                               compared to similar trusts on all five of its bottom
        A summary of performance can be seen in Table 1,       ranking scores (see Table 1). Two of the Key Findings
        where comparisons can be made with both the trust      are new for 2017, KF7 and KF17, % of staff able to
        and national average scores for acute specialist trusts   contribute towards improvements at work and % of
        received in 2016 and 2017.                             staff experiencing work related stress in the last 12
                                                               months. Despite these scores being ranked below
        The Trust’s response rate was 54%, above the overall   average when compared to similar trusts, four of the
        national response rate for all organisations in England   five bottom ranked scores show an improvement from
        of 44%, and significantly higher than in 2016.         the previous year’s scores.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           55                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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