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Bottom 5 2016 2017 Trust Improvement/
Ranking Scores Deterioration
Trust Trust Benchmarking Group
(Trust Type) Average
KF32. Effective use of patient/ 3.46 3.59 3.83 Increase (Positive)
service user feedback
KF19. Organisation and 3.39 3.57 3.73 Increase (Positive)
management interest in and action
on health and wellbeing
KF7. % of staff able to contribute 64% 68% 73% Increase (Positive)
towards improvements at work
KF17. % of staff feeling unwell due 39 39% 35% No Change
to work related stress in the last 12
KF3. % of staff agreeing their role 87% 89% 91% Increase (Positive)
makes a difference to patients/
service users
In my capacity as Accounting Officer, I confirm that the foregoing Accountability Report is a fair and balanced
representation of the Trust in 2017/18.
Louise Shepherd
Chief Executive
22nd May 2018
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 57 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18