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approach to internal materials and signage to keep development projects on-site, including Phase II of the
our goals uppermost in everybody’s mind. In addition, Institute in the Park building and the Alder Centre re-
there has been a continued focus on the Trust’s development.
Values with these being present in many different
forms across the organisation. To reinforce our quality We continue to work successfully in partnership with
improvement approach and help staff identify how they our Occupational Health provider, Team Prevent, to
can individually contribute to this, a staff handbook offer a range of supportive interventions for staff. We
has been produced based upon the Care Quality are seeing ongoing benefits from the introduction of
Commission’s fundamental standards and domains in a the early intervention service which provides rapid
simple summary format. treatment for staff encountering stress and musculo-
skeletal conditions. The pilot in 2017 of a dedicated
COUNTER FRAUD health trainer who has focused on supporting mental
wellbeing and training for managers has been a great
The Local Counter Fraud Specialist, supported by the success and this is now a permanent feature of our
Trust, has continued to enhance the overall anti-fraud wellbeing offer to staff.
arrangements at Alder Hey through the conduct of a
range of agreed activities specified in the Trust’s Anti- EXPENDITURE ON
Fraud work plan for 2017/18. The key to the success of CONSULTANCY
these activities is the achievement of outcomes across
the defined areas of anti-fraud work.
Expenditure on consultancy during 2017/18 was for
specialist advice and operational delivery on an interim
One of the fundamental principles of the NHS is the
basis to ensure high quality services for children and
proper use of public funds. It is therefore important
that all those individuals or organisations that utilise, or
have relationships with, the NHS are aware of the risks OFF PAYROLL ENGAGEMENTS
of fraud, bribery, corruption, theft, and other illegal acts
involving dishonesty. The Trust has continued with its policy to use off-payroll
arrangements only in circumstances where the skills
The ultimate aim of all anti-fraud work is to support market is limited in providing the level of expertise and
improved NHS services and ensure that fraud within
availability required to fulfil a particular role or provide
the NHS is clearly seen as being unacceptable. professional advice.
Stopping the theft of public money by fraudsters who
are committing criminal offences, brings with it the
Details of the Trust’s off-payroll engagements during
bonus of being able to see NHS funds being deployed the year are set out in the tables below:
for the public good, as the taxpayer intended. During
the year the Local Counter Fraud Specialist undertook Table 1: Off Payroll engagements as at 31st March
a range of preventive and investigatory activities in 2018, for more than £245 per day and that last
pursuit of this aim.
longer than six months
A self-assessment against compliance with the
Standards for Providers issued by NHS Counter Fraud Number of Existing Engagements
Authority for 2017/18 was undertaken. The Trust has as at 31 March 2018 10
rated itself overall as green. The Counter Fraud service
provided regular updates to the Audit Committee on Of Which:
work undertaken to prevent and detect fraud including
Number That Have Existed for Less Than One 3
any investigations.
Year at Time of Reporting
HEALTH AND SAFETY Number That Have Existed for Between One 3
PERFORMANCE AND and Two Years at Time of Reporting
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Number That Have Existed for Between Two 0
and Three Years at Time of Reporting
The Health and Safety Team continues to work Number That Have existed for Between Three 1
closely with Project Co to ensure the Trust is a safe and Four Years at Time of Reporting
environment for all of our patients and staff. There Number That Have Existed for Four or More 3
is an ongoing programme of training scheduled for Years at Time of Reporting
2018/19, which will cover risk assessment, COSHH
and stress risk assessment training. In addition, the
team continues to support the numerous new building
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 52 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18