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At the end of the year the gender breakdown of our in place at local level to support and encourage staff
workforce was as follows: to bring issues forward. The Board has been kept
Male Female informed of progress during the year.
Directors 5 9 Through Listening into Action, launched in 2016 and
now a central pillar in our approach to involving staff
Senior Managers 5 6
in quality improvement, all staff are encouraged to
Employees 540 2819
get involved and lead change within their working
Trust management meets with Trade Union colleagues
The Trust closely monitors its performance against at the Joint Consultation and Negotiation Committee
sickness absence targets and the position as at the end (JCNC) on a monthly basis, where a range of
of March 2018 was 5.21%. business matters are discussed and shared with staff
representatives, ensuring the views of employees can
STAFF POLICIES AND be taken into account in making decisions which are
ACTIONS likely to affect their interests.
During 2017/18, the Trust supported
the implementation and ongoing Effective communications activity allows the Trust
development of two new staff to reach many different audiences with compelling
networks; the Black and Minority messages and can help unite staff around a shared
Ethnic (BME) Network and the Disability Symbol pride in our work. Highlighting the work that we do is
Disability Network. Membership Employer part of our duty of transparency and accountability.
of both networks comes from
a wide range of staff from across the organisation. In the last year we were delighted to again host a live
Members have shared their personal experiences broadcast by BBC Children’s television, CBeebies and
and are helping the Trust learn more about positively CBBC, at Christmas. This was the second year that
supporting diversity in the workplace and improving we have hosted these programmes and having the
access to opportunities for employment. The groups broadcast at Alder Hey brought a great deal of joy to
have set their agendas and focus for the coming year, our patients and families. We were also honoured to
which includes responding to the feedback from the host visits from a wide range of supporters and VIPs
staff survey and working with the recruitment team to including both Merseyside-based Premier League
support improved training for managers in best practice football teams who have been valued partners to the
recruitment processes. organisation over a number of years. Such visits are
a key part of our willingness to connect with the local
The Trust remains a Disability Symbol Employer. By community and develop relationships that help our
using the symbol we are making it clear to disabled patients with their hospital experience and recovery.
people that we welcome applications from them and
that we are positive about their abilities. It also shows Our Internal Communications activity is a vital means
existing employees that we value their contribution of both informing and listening to all our staff. It is vital
and will treat them fairly if they become disabled. that all staff have the opportunity to hear about our
We provide employees with ongoing access to decision-making and are able to hear this directly
Occupational Health support and advice, access to from our senior leaders. That is why we refocused the
work support and health and safety advice, including organisation’s Team Brief to create ‘Latest from Louise’
bespoke risk assessments. events that are tied directly to feedback from the
Trust Board meetings and that encourage staff to ask
A range of internal communications methods are questions of the Chief Executive directly. In addition, the
deployed to ensure matters of concern are shared Chief Executive writes a regular blog to staff to highlight
with staff on a regular basis. The opportunity for staff different aspects of the work we do and celebrate
to feedback to the Trust is also an integral part of the our successes. Further improvements will continue to
internal communications process. be made in our direct communication to staff in the
coming year.
This also includes a variety of channels through which
staff can raise concerns directly at Board level. In Our communications effort has also been focused
addition to ‘Raise It, Change It’ which has been in place upon the production of information that helps staff
since 2014, the Freedom to Speak Up movement has understand and recognise their own role in delivering
gathered pace in the year with eight advocates now the Trust’s plan. This includes taking a consistent
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 51 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18