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Board governance is supported by a number of
assurance committees which have oversight of key
• Clinical Quality Assurance Committee
• Resources and Business Development Committee
• Audit Committee
• Research, Education & Innovation Committee
• Workforce and Organisational Development
• Integrated Governance Committee
• Remuneration and Nominations Committee
Each assurance committee submits an annual report
to the Board describing how it has fulfilled its terms of
reference and work plan during the year; these are also
considered by the Audit Committee in the context of
its role on behalf of the Board to ensure that the Trust’s
control environment is effective and fit for purpose.
Non-Executive directors are appointed by the Council
of Governors at a general meeting, following a selection
process undertaken on behalf of the Council by its
Nominations Committee. The Council of Governors
has adopted a standard term of office of three years Board Performance
for all Non-Executive appointments, in accordance
with the ‘NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance.’
Each member of the Board of Directors undergoes
The Chairman and Non-Executive directors can also
an annual appraisal to review his or her performance
be removed by the Council of Governors through against agreed objectives, personal skills and
a process which is described in section 24 of the
competencies and progress against personal
development plans. Since 2014/15 the Trust’s appraisal
process has included an assessment of how individuals
Members can contact all governors and directors by
have performed in relation to the Trust’s values of
the following methods:
Excellence, Openness, Respect, Innovation and
• In writing, care of the Committee Administrator, Alder Togetherness. Non-Executive Director assessments
Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Eaton Road, and that of the Chief Executive are undertaken by the
Liverpool, L12 2AP. Chair of the Trust and Executive Director performance
• By telephone on 0151 252 5128 is assessed by the Chief Executive. The appraisal of the
Chair includes input from all Board members and the
• By email at Council of Governors, led by the Senior Independent
Independence of Non-Executive Director, working closely with the Lead Governor.
Directors During 2017/18 the Board commissioned an external
well led review, the outcome of which is reported
The Board considers all of its current Non-Executive elsewhere in this document. This process illustrates the
Directors to be independent. All appointments and Board’s willingness to reflect upon its performance and
re-appointments are made by the Council of Governors be held to account for its actions. It also reflects the
specifically to meet the requirements set out in culture of openness and shared learning that the Board
Monitor’s ‘NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance’. has set for the Trust as a whole.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 63 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18