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        The National Health Service Act 2006 states that the    out in the NHS Foundation Trust Annual Reporting
        Chief Executive is the accounting officer of the NHS    Manual (and the Department of Health Group
        Foundation Trust. The relevant responsibilities of the   Accounting Manual) have been followed, and disclose
        accounting officer, including their responsibility for the   and explain any material departures in the financial
        propriety and regularity of public finances for which   statements;
        they are answerable, and for the keeping of proper
                                                               • ensure the use of public funds complies with the
        accounts, are set out in the NHS Foundation Trust
                                                                relevant legislation, delegated authorities and
        Accounting Officer Memorandum issued by NHS
                                                                guidance; and
                                                               • prepare the financial statements on a going concern
        NHS Improvement, in exercise of the powers conferred    basis.
        on Monitor by the National Health Service Act 2006,
        has given accounts directions which require Alder Hey   The Accounting Officer is responsible for keeping
        Children’s NHS Foundation Trust to prepare for each    proper accounting records which disclose with
        financial year a statement of accounts in the form and   reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position
        on the basis required by those directions. The accounts   of the NHS Foundation Trust and to enable him/her to
        are prepared on an accruals basis and must give a      ensure that the accounts comply with requirements
        true and fair view of the state of affairs of Alder Hey   outlined in the above mentioned Act. The Accounting
        Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and of its income and   Officer is also responsible for safeguarding the assets
        expenditure, total recognised gains and losses and     of the NHS Foundation trust and hence for taking
        cash flows for the financial year.                     reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of
                                                               fraud and other irregularities.
        In preparing the accounts, the Accounting Officer
        is required to comply with the requirements of the     To the best of my knowledge and belief the information
        Department of Health Group Accounting Manual and in    in the document is accurate; I have properly discharged
        particular to:                                         the responsibilities set out in Monitor’s NHS Foundation
                                                               Trust Accounting Officer Memorandum.
        • observe the Accounts Direction issued by NHS
          Improvement, including the relevant accounting
          and disclosure requirements, and apply suitable
          accounting policies on a consistent basis;
                                                               Louise Shepherd
        • make judgments and estimates on a reasonable
          basis;                                               LOUISE SHEPHERD CBE
                                                               Chief Executive
        • State whether applicable accounting standards as set   22nd May 2018

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