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Nursing, Deputy Director of Nursing and Associate review to ensure that content remains responsive to
Director of Risk and Governance. In addition, the Board key national drivers, such as the change to the metrics
appointed two Directors of Transformation and Clinical set out by NHS Improvement in the Single Oversight
Effectiveness from among the consultant body during Framework and that actions taken to achieve the aims
the year to strengthen the team leading the Trust’s incorporate learning from elsewhere in the NHS.
Quality Improvement agenda.
Significant work has been undertaken during the year
The Trust’s Quality Strategy was refreshed following to assure the accuracy of the quality data contained
the move to the new hospital and the revised version within the report. Our data quality team undertakes
approved by the Board in April 2016. It has been regular audit across a series of metrics, indicators
refreshed further on an iterative basis as the new and measures and this work is reported to the Data
Divisional management model developed and new Quality Steering Group which meets monthly to review
roles embedded. The key elements of the strategy data quality in the Trust. The Trust Audit programme
include: for 2017/18 included audit to assess the data quality
to recording patient demographics, of A&E waiting
• Strong clinical leadership driving quality improvement
times, referral to treatment (RTT) referral and pathway
• Engaging our workforce to get involved information. MIAA also carried out audits focusing on
• Improved culture of risk management and quality referral and waiting list management and performance
improvement through a devolved quality and management and monitoring. Performance information
is validated by the service and reviewed at the weekly
governance structure
performance meeting prior to sign off for reporting.
• Improvements in workforce health and wellbeing Information procedures are maintained to ensure they
based on the principle of ‘happy staff = happy
reflect changes in reporting processes. There have
patients’ been improvements made to recording of patient
• Greater patient and carer involvement: ‘giving patients demographics and recording of patient outcomes in
a voice.’ clinic this year with more oversight and monitoring of
these processes supported by standard processes and
Underpinning each of these elements is a range of procedures.
projects and initiatives which in turn are designed to
deliver the fundamental building blocks of the Quality At Alder Hey we have undertaken a range of measures
Strategy which remain: to ensure we have accurate and robust waiting times
data. We have a Data Quality Steering group that meets
• Patients will not suffer harm in our care
monthly to review recording and reporting of patient
• Patients will receive the most effective evidence information including waiting times information. Our
based care Patient Access Policy, although not due for review is
currently being reviewed and relaunched in May 2018.
• Patients will have the best possible experience
Our Patient Access Policy was reviewed and updated
to reflect current processes and reporting requirements
It is these fundamentals and their associated Quality
and a weekly performance group is in place to monitor
Aims that have been consistently at the core of the
all aspects of RTT performance and identify and
Trust’s approach to quality since 2012/13 and which
resolve issues with the clinical divisions. We have also
enable a coherent and authentic narrative for staff.
focused improvement work on patient pathways in
outpatients, with the establishment of an Outpatient
The Quality Account is a core element of measuring
Improvement project with work streams including
the delivery of the Quality Strategy. The quality
a booking and scheduling workstream which has
outcome measures identified in the Trust’s Quality
undertaken work to improve pathways and processes.
Account are identified and reviewed on an annual
The improvement programme at the Trust for 2018/19
basis in consultation with our Governors and other
continues to focus on further improving our booking
and scheduling process with a ‘Brilliant Booking and
Scheduling’ project that will fundamentally change the
In support of this, during the year the Trust’s internal
way we book our patients ensuring we have the right
Quality Report, which is embedded within the
capacity in place to book our patients into. It is also an
Corporate Report, was reviewed to ensure consistency
aspiration of the group to review the use of technology
of information tracking against the Quality Aims, a
to improve access to book an appointment and
range of sixteen safety, effectiveness and experience
improve user satisfaction.
measures that also allow for comparison with other
providers and can be used as assurance for regulators.
The Trust regularly validates patients on pathways
The Quality Report is reviewed in detail by the Clinical
which in turn feeds into our Data Quality Steering
Quality Assurance Committee and by the Board of
group which meets on a monthly basis. The Outpatient
Directors on a monthly basis. The Report is kept under
Department task and finish group highlighted the
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 78 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18