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Local Audit Actions
How often are high ferritin The audit was presented at the Rheumatology department academic meeting in
levels associated with serious October 2017. The audit will be presented in national meetings (British Society for
illness (a retrospective service Rheumatology (BSR) and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)
evaluation of diagnosis in annual meetings) as part of a national audit.
patients with ferritin >10,000 Action/Recommendation:
• To contribute towards national guidelines.
• To discuss with other specialities including cardiology to increase awareness and
provide details of investigations to carry out when highly elevated ferritin level
(HEF) is detected.
• Update existing training to increase awareness about HEF and link with secondary
HLH (a severe and potentially fatal inflammatory condition) and investigations
• Re-audit once the revised national guidance is in place.
Audit on the pathway for The audit was presented at the Alder Hey Cardiology/Cardiothoracic Department
single ventricle hearts in Alder Quality Assurance meeting in November 2017.
Hey Children’s Hospital
• A checklist has been created to be used alongside the current guideline.
• Re-audit to compare compliance before and after the addition of the checklist in
12 months.
Audit of the referral pathway The audit was presented to the Alder Hey Community team and the
for prolonged neonatal Gastroenterology Consultant in January 2018.
• Designing a pathway for managing prolonged jaundice in the community and in
• No Re-audit was required as this was a study to see the pattern of actions in the
community - designed to help in making a pathway for jaundiced babies.
Audit of boys undergoing The audit was presented at the Alder Hey Department of Surgery audit meeting in
emergency scrotal exploration January 2018.
to assess outcome for testis
and surgical technique
• Possible implementation of a standard technique, pending further data collection.
• Re-audit in 12 months.
A survey of patient use of The audit was sent for presentation at the EFORT congress (European Federation of
social media for information National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) in January 2018.
about Clubfoot
• Parents should be encouraged to use social media to learn about clubfoot.
• Re-audit in 12 months.
Treatment for radial club The audit was presented at the British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH)
hand at Alder Hey Children’s Autumn meeting in November 2017.
Hospital. A service evaluation.
• To continue the use of this technique, and to consider its use a primary procedure
in the future.
• A Re-audit could be undertaken, but will require a time gap of 5-6 years.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 92 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18