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Local Audit Actions
Emollient and bath pack The audit was presented to the Regional Dermatology meeting in January 2018.
• Continue to produce emollient pack, evolve in line with new products/research
where available.
• Possibly add urea based cream.
• Liaise with pharmacology to ensure cost effective prescribing where possible.
• Reinforce education with patients/parents regarding emollient types, application
technique and volumes to apply.
• Ensure letters to GP (General Practitioner) detail the importance of keeping
patients stocked with emollient that suits them, and outline how much they should
• No Re-audit required.
Audit of the use of The audit was presented to the educational supervisor in January 2018. Abstract
dexamethasone (a type of submitted to conference.
corticosteroid medication) for
extubation on PICU.
(Paediatric Intensive Care • Development and implementation of an extubation pro-forma for use in PICU.
• Completion of a further audit using the pro-forma.
• Develop a guideline to rationalise the use of dexamethasone during extubation.
• No Re-audit required until guideline developed.
Audit of plaster cast wedging The audit was presented at the Alder Hey Orthopaedic departmental meeting in
for lower limb fractures February 2018.
• Cast wedging should now not be performed after 10 days post injury due to lack
of benefit.
• Dissemination of information to plaster technicians and orthopaedic department
to make them aware of new practice.
• Guideline to be drawn up.
• Re-audit in 2-3 years when sufficient numbers have been achieved.
Pattern of paediatric The audit was presented at the British Association of Audiovestibular Physicians
vestibular referrals and National Audit meeting, Queen’s Square, London in November 2017.
the use of the video head
impulse test in the paediatric
population (new tehnology • Engage a wider audience for raising awareness about paediatric vestibular
which can be used to disorders and disseminate training in the video head impulse test.
investigate dizziness and
• More engagement with professional colleagues especially G.Ps (General
balance malfunction) Practitioners).
• Continue with video head impulse test.
• Re-audit in 18 months.
Audit of theatre turn over The audit was presented at the Alder Hey Department of Surgery Quality
times. Improvement meeting in November 2016.
• No action plan was required for this audit.
• Re-audit in 6 months.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 94 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18