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2.2.6 Use of the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) Payment

        A proportion of Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust’s income in 2017/18 was conditional on achieving quality
        improvement and innovation (CQUIN) goals agreed between Alder Hey and any person or body they entered into a
        contract, agreement or arrangement with for the provision of relevant health services through the Commissioning for
        Quality and Innovation payment framework. During 2017/18, these commissioning bodies were Liverpool CCG and
        consortia North West CCG partners for non-specialist services and NHS England for specialist services.

        For 2017/18 the baseline value of CQUIN was £3.4 million which was 2.0% of our NHS England and CCG contract.
        This means that if Alder Hey did not achieve an agreed quality goal, a percentage of the total CQUIN money would
        be withheld. For 2017/18, Alder Hey expects to receive 97.2% CCG contract CQUIN money, with the amount withheld
        reflective of failure to deliver full compliance with part 2b of the sepsis CQUIN for Quarters 1-4. The Trust has agreed
        a contract settlement with NHS England within which no money was withheld for CQUIN failed targets. However there
        are a number of NHS England CQUIN targets which carry significant risk that will need to be managed in 2018/19.

        The tables below reflect the position as at Quarter 3, as the Quarter 4 position is not fully validated at the time of
        publication, although this is not expected to change in Quarter 4.

        National / Local Commissioner CQUINs 2017/18

         Indicator             Indicator Description  Target            Weighting     Financial     Quarter 3
                                                                                      Value         Performance

         Health & Wellbeing    a. Improvement of      5% point          0.083%        £39,047       To be
                               health & wellbeing of   improvement in                               evaluated in
                               NHS staff              2 out of 3 staff                              Quarter 4
                                                      survey questions

                               b. Healthy food for NHS  Introduce required  0.083%    £39,047       To be
                               staff, visitors & patients healthy food                              evaluated in
                                                      changes                                       Quarter 4

                               c. Improving the uptake  70% front line   0.083%       £39,047       To be
                               of flu vaccinations in   clinical staff                              evaluated in
                               frontline clinical staff  vaccinated                                 Quarter 4
         AMR & Sepsis          a. Timely identification   90%           0.063%        £29,285       Achieved
                               of sepsis in ED and
                               acute inpatient setting

                               b. Timely treatment of   90%             0.063%        £29,285       Partially
                               sepsis in ED and acute                                               achieved
                               inpatient settings

                               c. Antibiotic review   90% cases in      0.063%        £29,285       Achieved

                               d. Reduction in        Reduction         0.063%        £29,285       Achieved
                               antibiotic consumption
                               per 1,000 admissions

         Advice & Guidance     Set up & operate A&G   Submit reports    0.25%         £117,140      Achieved
                               services for non-
                               urgent GP referrals,
                               allowing GPs to access
                               consultant advice prior
                               to referring patients in
                               to secondary care

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