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Indicator Indicator Description Target Weighting Financial Quarter 3
Value Performance
e-referrals Make services Submit reports 0.25% £117,140 Achieved
and outpatient
appointments for GP
referrals to available
on the NHS e-Referral
Improving services for people with mental Submit reports 0.25% £117,140 Achieved
health needs who present to A&E
Transitions out of Children and Submit reports 0.25% £117,140 Achieved
Young People’s Mental Health
NHSE North West Specialist Commissioner CQUINs 2017/18
Indicator Target Weighting Financial Quarter 3
Value Performance
Clinical Utilisation Review Submit quarterly 0.94% £945,000 Fully
report achieved
Haemtrack – Patient home monitoring Patient 0.074% £74,000 Fully
Participation achieved
Submit reports
Haemoglobinopathy Improving Pathways Participation in 0.15% £150,000 Fully
through Operational Delivery Networks ODN achieved
Medicines Optimisation Submit report 0.1% £99,000 Fully
Paediatric Networked Care Assess compliance 0.21% £210,000 To be
with minimum data assessed in
set and submit Quarter 4
Planned Transition to Adult Services for Submit report 0.37% £371,258 Fully
patients with Complex Neurodisability achieved
Locally priced Service Redesign and Clinical To be confirmed 0.15% £150,000 To be
Practice Benchmarking assessed in
Quarter 4
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 100 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18