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2.2.7 Statements from the Care                         The Trust received a short notice inspection one
        Quality Commission (CQC)                               core service – Community paediatrics – and an
                                                               unannounced inspection of four other core services –
        Alder Hey is required to register with the Care Quality   Critical Care, End of Life, Outpatients and Diagnostics
        Commission and its current registration is in place    – in February 2018. It also underwent a comprehensive
        for the following regulated activities: diagnostic and   well led review. The outcome of this inspection is
        screening procedures, surgical procedures, treatment   awaited.
        of disease, disorder or injury and assessment or
        medical treatment for persons detained under the 1983   Outstanding Care
        Act. Alder Hey remains registered without conditions.

        The Care Quality Commission has not taken any
        enforcement action against Alder Hey during 2017/18.

        CQC undertook a national thematic review of CAMH
        services, focusing on 10 sites across the country, of
        which Liverpool was one. Alder Hey in collaboration
        with partner agencies took part in this review which

        • Knowledge of the pathways amongst GPs and
          A&E Departments needs to be developed via the
          partnership                                          2.2.8 Data Quality
        • The myriad of entry points to the pathway are not    Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust submitted
          always clear to all referrers and it may be confusing   records during 2017/18 to the Secondary Users Service
          what the role and function of each partner is        for inclusion in the Hospital Episode Statistics which are
        • All partners need to ensure their websites and       included in the latest published data.
          published ‘offers’ are valid and current. There was
          evidence however of partnership agreements being     The percentage of records in the published data which
          developed.                                           included patient’s valid NHS Number was:

        • There are opportunities for more seamless            • 99.9% for admitted patient care;
          contracting arrangements across the partnership      • 100 % for outpatient care;
        • Data sharing and multiple systems that don’t speak to   •  99.7% for accident and emergency care.
          each other was seen as problematic although it was
          acknowledged that there is a commitment to develop   The percentage of records in the published data which
          this and evidence such as data sharing agreements    included patient’s valid General Medical Registration
          in place                                             Code was:
        • Funding challenges were acknowledged and noted       • 100% for admitted patient care
        • Website excellent source of information however      •  99.9% for outpatient care;
          needs more promotion across all partners in the city.
                                                               •  100% for accident and emergency care
        In response to the national report, Alder Hey has
                                                               Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust will be
        suggested strengthening the governance and
                                                               taking the following actions to improve data quality:
        contracting arrangements for the Liverpool partnership
        and is keen to play a lead role in this.               • A suite of data quality reports will continue to be run
                                                                daily and weekly to ensure data is monitored and
        Alder Hey received an unannounced inspection of three   corrected where necessary.
        of its core services in April 2017 – Community CAMHS,
                                                               • Ongoing work is monitored by the Data Quality
        Surgical care and Medicine – together with a well       Steering Group which meets monthly
        led review. The reports resulting from this inspection
        were published in October 2017 and the Trust           • Continue to work closely with the Information
        developed a detailed action plan in response to the     Department to identify any data issues or areas
        recommendations. This plan has been monitored on a      of data weakness, which will be investigated and
        monthly basis by the Trust’s Clinical Quality Assurance   remedial action agreed.
        Committee and Integrated Governance Committee.         • The Data Quality policy has been updated to include
                                                                escalation process for “repeat offenders” who
                                                                continue to make mistakes when recording data

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