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in improved ward to board reporting of risk, incident   free care for every, patient every time. The campaign
        reporting, and shared learning.                        was launched on 24th June 2014 with an ambition of
                                                               halving avoidable harm in the NHS over a three year
        Staff are well settled into the new hospital building   period and saving 6,000 lives as a result.
        and are becoming increasingly satisfied with their     As an organisation committed to improving patient
        working life which is reflected in the 2017 staff survey,   safety, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
        which shows many areas of significant improvement      joined the Sign up to Safety campaign and developed
        compared to the previous year. We have continued to    a Trust Wide Safety Improvement Plan with specific
        employ Listening into Action as a key enabler for staff   improvement outcomes as highlighted in the previous
        involvement in resolving local issues and making local   quality report. The aim is that by March 2018, against a
        improvements, with excellent results in many areas.    2014/15 baseline, we will:
        We have also maintained other avenues for staff to
                                                               • Achieve no never events year on year
        raise any issues or areas of concern they may have
        through our ‘Raise it, Change it’ mechanism or through   • Reduce all avoidable harm by 30%
        direct contact with one of our ‘Freedom To Speak Up’
                                                               • Reduce avoidable moderate, severe harm or death by
        champions.                                              50%
                                                               • Achieve a 95% patient satisfaction score
        We continue to work closely with children and families
        to make ongoing improvements and will place a
        particular focus during the coming year on further     In this final year of the Sign up to Safety campaign,
                                                               the Trust has shown great progress against most
        developing a culture of continuous quality improvement
        and on involving children and families in the co-design   of the extremely challenging targets declared in our
                                                               Safety Improvement Plan. We are proud to be able to
        of improvements.
                                                               demonstrate improvements and contribute to saving
        3.2 SIGN UP TO SAFETY                                  lives over the three years of the campaign. Progress
                                                               against each of the individual elements of the Sign up to
        Sign up to Safety is a national patient safety campaign   Safety campaign is reflected in separate sections below
        whose vision is for the whole NHS to become the safest   as part of the Trust’s quality performance declarations.
        healthcare system in the world, aiming to deliver harm


        The key quality priorities set out for 2017/18 are summarised in the table below. The following sections describe the
        progress made in these areas throughout the year.

                              Quality Domain                                    Priority Area

         Aim 1   Patients will not suffer harm in our care  Further embed a safety culture throughout the organisation

                 Patients will have the best possible      Increase engagement of children, young people & families
         Aim 2
                 experience                                in improving quality and developing services
                 Patients will receive the most effective   Increase number of defined clinical care pathways across
         Aim 3
                 evidence based care                       our clinical specialties
                                                           Provide support that will enable our staff to feel valued and
         Aim 4   Improve workforce health & wellbeing      respected by the organisation and actively contribute to the
                                                           organisation’s success

                 Our environment will enable us to deliver an   Continue to improve the environment to make it work for
         Aim 5
                 excellent service                         both patients and staff

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