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Prompt Recognition and Treatment                       Improvements in 2017/18
        of Deteriorating Patients Including                    • Developed electronic sepsis pathway
        Implementation of the Sepsis Pathway                   • All ED and inpatient ward nursing staff (excluding

                                                                Paediatric Intensive Care Unit - PICU) were trained
                                                                and the new sepsis pathway was implemented.

          Aim: To embed the question “Are you concerned        • Enhanced, earlier recognition of children at high risk
          this child has sepsis?” in our routine clinical practice  of sepsis in ED and on the inpatient wards
                                                               • More timely provision of effective treatment for likely
          1. Develop and roll out a sepsis pathway to all our
                                                               • Consequent likely reduction in morbidity and
            inpatient wards and Emergency Department (ED).
          2. Deliver sepsis training to nursing and clinical staff
                                                               • Improved education and training for nurses and
            based within Alder Hey.
                                                                doctors in managing sepsis
          3. Submit against the CQUIN for 2017/18
                                                               • Compliance with NICE guidance on sepsis
          Outcomes - 2017/18:
                                                               • High quality informatics enabling identification of
          1. 100% of inpatient and ED screened for sepsis.
                                                                blocks to rapid, efficient care and allowing feedback
          2. Development of an electronic sepsis pathway.       to individuals and teams to improve service delivery
          3. CQUIN submission for Q1-3 of £56k (£66k max).     • Established a Sepsis Team – 1.5 Specialist Nurses
                                                                and 2 clinical leads.
          4. Average time to antibiotic administration for
            Inpatients 47 mins (Jul17 – Feb18) and ED 64 mins   • Developed an e-Learning package to be rolled out in
            (Jul17 – Feb18).                                    2018/19.
                                                               • World Sepsis Day awareness session in the Trust.

        Sepsis is life-threatening infection when it affects the   Future Plans 2018/19
        function of an organ or body system and is caused by
                                                               • Roll out of sepsis training to the community setting.
        a dysregulated response by the body’s own defences.
        Those with ‘septic shock’ are unable to maintain a     • Reviewing the pathways for non-acute setting.
        normal blood pressure without critical care support.
                                                               • Launch the e-Learning package for 2018/19.
        Sepsis and septic shock affect children and adults and
        are major causes of death and lasting complications in   • Development of an enhanced IT offer that should
        those that survive.                                     facilitate improved clinical management and audit of
        The priority was to improve the quality of care provided
        by the Trust in a condition that carries a high morbidity
        and mortality.

                                   Average Time to Administration of Antibiotics

                  Minutes  40                                                                   ED

                            Jul           Aug         Sep          Oct          Nov          Dec         Jan           Feb

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          107                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112