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3.3.2 PRIORITY 2 – Increase
        Engagement of Children, Young
        People and Families in Improving
        Quality and Developing Services

        The Trust has made significant efforts to increase
        the engagement and involvement of our children and
        families in many areas of improvement across the
        organisation, including:

        • Improvements in outpatients
        • Ensuring children with protected characteristics are
          not disadvantaged through any service development

        Improvements in Outpatients

          Aim: The delivery of an excellent outpatient         The Improving Outpatients project was established
          service to every patient, on time, every time        in 2016/17 following the Care Quality Commission
                                                               (CQC) inspection in 2015. In 2017/18, the second year
                                                               of the project continued with a focus on “Experience
          1. Reduce the PALS concerns relating to              in Outpatients” and aimed to deliver an excellent
            phlebotomy waiting times by 50% by March 2018      outpatient service, building on previous achievements
            Baseline: 8 Target: 4                              with a clear focus on increasing patient and family
                                                               satisfaction as well as staff engagement and wellbeing.
          2. Improve the FFT rating for extremely/likely to
            recommend the Alder Hey Outpatients
                                                               Feedback from patients and staff highlighted several
                                                               opportunities for improvement:
            Baseline: 93% Target: 98%
                                                               • Limited opportunity for patients to feedback their
          3. Reduction in short term staff absence by 300
                                                                experience and often, limited detail provided
            days by March 2018
            Baseline: 1,764 days lost Target: 1,464 days       • Booking rooms for outpatient clinics is complex and
            lost                                                often delayed setting up of clinic session
                                                               • Waiting and congestion in phlebotomy area resulted
                                                                in delays and increased stress for both patients and
          1. PALS concerns relating to phlebotomy reduced       staff
            to 4 in the year, i.e. 50% reduction.
                                                               • Very busy fracture clinic with poor flow, blockages
          2. FFT rating fluctuated widely each month between    and delays, including in the plaster room
            91.4% and 97.7% patients/families who would
                                                               • Limited play and distraction provided in outpatient
            recommend Alder Hey outpatients department
          3. Short term staff absence reduced by 499 days to
                                                               • Staff morale low with significant days lost through
            1,265 days lost.
                                                                staff sickness.

                                                               The work placed specific focus on delivering a safe
                                                               system of booking patient appointments, an effective
                                                               workforce delivery high quality patient care every time
                                                               and digital improvements in line with the Global Digital
                                                               Exemplar (GDE) project.

                                                               Many of the improvements utilised Listening into
                                                               Action (LiA) methodolgy to place specific focus on
                                                               the issue, and involve the right people in agreeing the
                                                               solution, ensuring the patient was at the heart of the

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          110                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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