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Reducing Hospital Acquired Infections Improvements & Achievements 2017/18
- Sign Up To Safety Pledge • Development and implementation of a new Infection
Prevention and Control Work Plan as a reporting
system for the work undertaken by the Infection
Aim: By March 2018, reduce avoidable harm due to Prevention and Control Team and reported through to
hospital acquired infection by 50%. the Trust Board, CQAC, CQPG and IPCC.
• Rationalisation of the cleaning and disinfecting
Targets: From the 2014/15 baseline: products used within the Trust through a quality
1. No hospital acquired MRSA bacteraemia improvement and evaluation process.
2. No Clostridium difficile infections due to lapses • Root Causes Analysis (RCA) process introduced
in care for all Trust acquired MSSA, E.coli, Klebsiella
3. Reduce the number of hospital acquired and Pseudomonas bacteraemia to examine and
infections by 50% from the 2014/15 baseline of highlight identification of lessons learned to inform
147; this represents 74 infections improvement processes across the Trust.
• Introduction of the ‘OneTogether’ programme into
Outcomes - 2017/18: Theatres to improve infection prevention and control
1. 4 x MRSA bacteraemia
processes which are monitored through the Surgical
2. 1 x Clostridium difficile infection Site infection Surveillance Action plan, Theatre Safety
Board and IPCC.
3. 46% decrease in the number of hospital
acquired infections: this represents 80 • Integration of Alder Hey into the Wider Health
Data source – corporate report April 2018 Economy from an infection prevention and control
perspective both regionally and nationally including
Gram negative blood stream infection work and
Effective infection prevention and Control (IP&C) Intravenous Forum work.
practice is essential to ensure that patients receive • Commencement of the National Paediatric Special
safe and effective care. In order to provide the best Interest Group (SIG) supported by the Infection
possible outcome for the children in our care it is vitally Prevention Society (IPS) incorporating Infection
important that we identify and manage all infections Prevention and Control, Tissue Viability, Intravenous
that affect our children and young people to reduce Therapy and Infection Diseases.
the risk of healthcare acquired infection. Children and
• Introduction of an electronic Alert system on
young people can present unique IP&C challenges,
Meditech to monitor Alert Organisms to replace the
such as:
paper based system.
• They are susceptible to infections, which are
• Checklist developed and used by IPCT to ensure
preventable by vaccination.
appropriate investigation into hospital acquired
• They have closer contact with other visitors such as diarrhoea; plan to produce posters for wards to
parents and siblings. replicate this.
• Their poor hygiene practices present more • A gap analysis for the new Public Health England
opportunities for infection to spread. Toolkit for reducing E. coli bacteraemia was
undertaken and actions have been added to the IPC
• They may also interact more closely with their
environment, making them more likely to come into Work Plan.
contact with contaminated surfaces and items. • Commencement of a sepsis nurse to audit
• Communicable diseases affect a higher percentage compliance with sepsis management.
of paediatric patients than adults increasing the • SSI surveillance for K-wires insertion commenced.
likelihood of cross infection. Results to be discussed with the surgeons before
being distributed Trust wide.
• Successful amalgamation of Infection Prevention and
Control, Tissue Viability and Intravenous teams as
one collaborative team.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 108 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18