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Local Audit                 Actions

         Has the introduction of     The audit was presented to the Alder Hey Pharmacy Department lunchtime meeting
         Plasmalyte as the routine IV   in April 2018.
         (Intravenous) maintenance
         fluid therapy reduced the
         risk of iatrogenic metabolic   • Feed results back to a wider range of healthcare professionals involved in the
         disturbances? (Disruption     switch to Plasmalyte.
         to the normal metabolic
                                     • Update existing training to emphasise the importance of using fluid guidelines.
         processes following medical
         intervention)               • No changes to practice are required as Plasmalyte has been well received by
                                       prescribers and patients and can continue to be prescribed.
                                     • Further audit required to look at other electrolytes as a result of the switch to
                                     • Re-audit in 12 months.

        2.2.5 Participation in Clinical Research               One of the main strengths of Liverpool is that of
        2017/18                                                pharmacology – developing better safer medicines
                                                               for children and young people and contributing to the
        The number of patients receiving NHS services          personalised medicine agenda. LHP is developing an
        provided or subcontracted by Alder Hey Children’s      Industry Gateway Office that will boost the region’s
        NHS Foundation Trust in 2017/18 that were recruited to   ability to conduct more research into new medicines.
        participate in NIHR Portfolio adopted clinical research   Being an organisation undertaking high quality patient
        was 9,184, the largest number in Alder Hey history.    centred research means that Alder Hey contributes
                                                               to the health and wealth of Liverpool and the UK as
        All research is governed by the EU Clinical Trial      a whole as well as having an international impact on
        Directive, UK ethics committees and the Trusts Clinical   treatments developed for children. The infrastructure
        Research Division who carry out safety and quality     of expertise available at Alder Hey for setting up and
        checks to provide organisational permission. This is   successfully delivering clinical research is led and
        a highly robust mechanism that ensures oversight of    managed by a dedicated team who form the Clinical
        every research study in the organisation.              Research Division (CRD). The CRD employs 40
                                                               research nurses, supports approximately 260 studies
        International Research, Education and Innovation is one   at any one time and rigorously manages performance
        of the Trust’s four strategic pillars and as such elicits   to ensure high quality delivery to time and target. Alder
        full support of the Board of Directors. All three areas   Hey has an excellent track record of recruiting the first
        are undergoing expansion and the creation of the Alder   patient globally to clinical trials, demonstrating that the
        Hey Academy will further link research with education.   organisation is at the forefront of drug development
        Furthermore, the Alder Hey/University of Liverpool     in paediatrics. Over the last 10 years Alder Hey has
        refreshed ten year research strategy states that “Every   achieved this for 16 of its patients.
        child (should be) offered the opportunity to participate
        in a research study / clinical trial”. The strategy is patient   Our clinical staff and associated academics lead and
        focused and supports research from all disciplines.    contribute to studies of the latest and newest treatment
        The Trust is a member of Liverpool Health Partners     options, genetic profiling of diseases and research
        (LHP), a consortium of seven hospitals, the University of   looking at drug safety including adverse drug reactions
        Liverpool and the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine   (side effects).
        working together to provide a world class environment
        for research and health education across a regional    Alder Hey was involved in recruiting patients to 152
        footprint. As a significant stakeholder in LHP, Alder Hey   open, non-commercial NIHR portfolio adopted clinical
        demonstrates a strong commitment to contributing       research studies, 37 commercial trials and 29 non-
        to evidence-based, cutting edge healthcare aimed at    portfolio studies during 2017/18, which is significant for
        improving quality of care whilst holding patient safety,   a Trust of its size. Whilst some studies report outcomes
        dignity and respect at the centre of everything we do.   fairly quickly most will not be ready for publication for
        A clinical research review for Liverpool Health Partners   a few years. The majority were research in the area
        took place in 2018 that made several recommendations   of medical specialties reflecting the prevalence of
        and Alder Hey has a strong influence over this and the   available research studies locally and nationally.
        emergent strategy for child health.

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