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Local Audit                 Actions

         Retrospective audit looking   The audit was presented at the Alder Hey Department of Surgery in December
         at timing from clinician review  2017.
         to arrival in anaesthetic
         room in daycase, specifically
         comparing first patient on list  • A pre 9 a.m. start for the first patient on the list should be possible if clinician
         to subsequent patients        review can be done in an expeditious manner.
                                     • Reduced pre-operative wait times have been maintained in the new daycase
                                       unit. These details will be fed back to the daycase departmental managers for
                                     • Re-audit in June 2018, following all medical student placements we will be able
                                       to re-audit daycase start times from September to June allowing us to look at
                                       seasonal variation.

         Audit of aortopexy and      The audit was presented to the Alder Hey ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) Department
         vascular ring surgery in    consultant and disseminated to the cardiothoracic consultants in January 2018.
         paediatric patients at Alder
                                     • No significant issues arose from the audit. Results hold up well when viewed
                                       alongside those in published literature.
                                     • No changes were required as consolidated existing practice.

                                     • Re-audit in 5 years (infrequently performed procedure).
         Audit of genetic testing in   The audit was presented at the Alder Hey monthly Cardiology and Cardiac surgery
         neonatal CHD.               meeting in January 2018.
         (Coronary heart disease)
                                     • Keep the same protocol for genetic testing, reinforce the guidelines.

                                     • Do not order microarray if not indicated by the protocol.
                                     • The consultants will be informed of the audit results and reminded to follow the
                                       protocol. No other action needed.
                                     • Re-audit in 12 months.

         Post PEG insertion care -   The audit was presented to the Alder Hey Gastroenterology Department weekly
         completeness of the PEG     meeting in March 2018.
         (Percutaneous endoscopic
         gastrostomy) pathway form.
                                     • Digitisation of PEG pathway. Simplifying form as part of digitising process in GDE
                                       (Global Digital Excellence).
                                     • Specialist nurses to update risk register in regards to low levels of sign off for
                                       parents/guardians of PEGs.
                                     • Stoma nurse will continue to stress importance of parental sign off.
                                     • Discharging clinicians to ensure sign off is complete before discharge

                                     • To Re-audit digitised pathway once available (GDE will automatically do this so it
                                       will be an ongoing prospective audit.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           95                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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