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Independent Baptist News
                                                King James Bible Believing
      QUARTER IV 2020 ISSUE                                             

     (continued from previous page)
                                                                       The more a Christian reads and studies the
     You will also realize that learning these  languages,     Bible as he walks with God, and shows humility the
     and all your studying, may help you and other Bible       more the Holy Ghost will give him understanding.
     believers and sometimes may help non-KJV people to
     see the truth. But you will find most of the time (if             Although it is not wrong to use dictionaries,
     not always), folks that reject the truth in English will  etc. to help us understand words in the Bible, these
     reject it in other languages also.                        books should not be our final authority. The word of
                                                               God should be our final authority —  even for word
     A Waste if you:                                           definitions, not theological textbooks, theologians,
                                                               dictionaries, etc.
     1.  Think you can better understand the scrip-
         tures by knowing theses languages.
     Anything you find in these languages can be found in      2. Think you can win more people to Christ or
     English. Many times it hinders accurate study             minister in a more practical way. You could have
     because it points  people to lexicons that give corrupt   used your time on studying the Bible and practical
     and limited definitions due to the fact that these        ministry rather than learning language that you will
     lexicons are based on corrupt texts just like corrupt     rarely, if ever, use or you could have learned a
     Bible versions are. It also hinders folks by causing      modern language for soul winning purposes.
     them to think they are better qualified to understand
     the Bible, therefore they become proud concerning
     this matter and lose sight of God’s methods of study.
     The Bible defines words by the way they are used in
     the context.

            Christians, we should set time aside on Thanksgiving week and especially on Thanksgiving Day to
        lift our hearts and voices to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. “Enter into his gates with thanks-
        giving, … Ps. 100:4
          ‘Tis true that we should be thankful everyday, but Thanksgiving Day is a day in which we, one
        nation under God, should lift our voices with prayer and praise to God.
          Thanksgiving is a holiday in which our forefathers set time aside to thank God for his goodness,
        mercy, and blessings. The goodness of God is so great. He has given us our Lord and Saviour Jesus
        Christ. Our Pilgrim forefathers set aside a time to thank God for His goodness for bringing them
        through the rough times, and
        giving them freedom to serve and worship Him. Let us always remember what God has done for us
        and see what God is doing.
          Praise the Lord! There is no one like Him. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. The Heaven of heav-
        ens cannot contain Him. No one can outlive God,
        and no one can live abundantly without Him. God
        knows and sees all. Great are all His ways. They are
        past finding out. God’s mercy endureth forever.
        Praise His name!

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