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playlists you can create, and a single video can be in many playlists. Playlists take almost no
time to create, and of course drive continuous views as well, so a good playlist strategy is
essential in any YouTube long-tail marketing campaign.
#3 Understand YouTube and Google Search Factors
YouTube Search: YouTube is the second largest search engine after its parent Google. And
while you’ll often get a YouTube video result embedded into your Google search results,
videos will actually get more traffic directly from searching on
Contrary to popular belief, videos are not ranked in YouTube search by how many views
they get. Rather, the algorithm looks for how long the videos encourage people to stay on
the platform. So to succeed, B2B marketers must pay close attention to key
metrics, such as how long people are watching individual videos and which videos are
referring additional views back to the same channel.
If you’re still shooting and editing your videos using the same methods perfected for
television, you’ll benefit by using YouTube analytics to take stock of what’s working and
what isn’t, and use those learnings to structure the video content more appropriately for
the YouTube audience. It will benefit your brand’s visibility across the board.
Google Search: Often a YouTube video will come up in your Google search results. But how
does Google archive the info from its friend YouTube? Well, title, tags, and description all
help. After all, Google can only index video by text and code, so for SEO purposes, the
metadata around the video is actually more important than what is shown within the video.
Additionally, doing an optional closed-caption transcript will help Google better identify
the content, because while YouTube’s automated transcription technology is getting better,
it’s still comically inaccurate at times. These transcripts help both the Google and YouTube
search engines determine the content.
#4 YouTube Long-tail Success: Subscriber Growth
Generally, subscribers – which are the “likes” and “follows” of YouTube – are very valuable
to gaining targeted views. From my own research, an organic video can expect, on average,