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about  15%  views  per  subscriber  (without  other  influences).  So  a  channel  with  1,000

               subscribers can generally expect about 150 views per video.

               Thus it’s important to encourage your potential client base to subscribe to your YouTube

               channel in every way you encourage them to follow you on other social media platforms –
               via your website, email, etc. And, importantly, get them to subscribe via clickable links in

               your videos and descriptions. Then, each time they find themselves on, they

               will be more likely to  have your videos automatically promoted to  them. They may also
               receive email updates from YouTube as well.

               One caveat: YouTube subscribers tend to skew younger, which could leave out some of the
               older decision makers of your B2B clients. Even today, some tech-savvy people who watch

               YouTube  videos  still  don’t  even  realize  that  you  can  subscribe  to  YouTube  channels,  or

               what a “YouTube channel” actually is. But don’t let this discourage you – each subscriber
               you get will give you an advantage over your competitors.

               Bonus Tip: Re-optimize Your Video Content Every Month

               YouTube is a hybrid platform. With its high sharability, it’s more like Facebook or Twitter.

               But with its long-term discoverability, its behavior for driving B2B leads can be more like a
               content-marketing blog. This is because once a video finds a place in a search engine, it will

               stay there, and the video can be a primary traffic driver to other content pieces or as a top

               lead conversion source.

               But results can always be tweaked and improved, sometimes dramatically. We’re seeing

               this  with blogs and top marketing companies like  HubSpot  are starting new divisions  in
               charge  of  in-depth  upgrades  to  “back  catalog”  blog  posts,  optimizing  them  in  ways  that

               improve SEO, conversion rate, and referral traffic.

               These  blog  optimization  specialists  take  content  that  they’ve  already  invested  a  lot  of

               money in, and go back and squeeze more juice out of them, sometimes doubling the lead

               generation rate they were getting previously. The same should be done with YouTube on a
               monthly basis:  Taking  assets  you’ve  already invested a  lot of money in creating and re-
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