Page 255 - Wilhelm Wundt zum siebzigsten Geburtstage
P. 255

Fluctuations of Attention and After-images.   243

     increases to a certain point above the  threshold; but that, beyond
     this point, they cease.  He also suggested tbat fatigue of some sort
     exerts an  influence; but the  special character or  location  of  this
     fatigue he did not determine.  His results,  it would seem, might be
     explained on the hypothesis that the retina  is the seat of fatigue.
     A relatively weak Stimulus  will not produce its füll effect upon an
     Organ that  is more or less exhausted; whereas a stronger Stimulus
     will be  feit in spite of fatigue,  even though the fatigue which  it
     causes be more complete than that which is due to weaker Stimulation.
        The results obtained by Wiersmai)   offer, at first sight, greater
     difficulty.  He found that  as the  difference between Stimulus and
     field increased,  the average length of the phase of invisibility dimi-
     nished, so that, in his own case,  it became zero when the proportional
     intensity was 2,5.  This would agree, in general, with Marbe's results.
     But if the fluctuations are ascribed  to retinal fatigue,  it  is not so
     easy to see why a Stimulus differing but slightly from the field, should
     remain longer out of perception than one which is relatively stronger.
     Wiersma    does not indicate the corresponding phases of visibihty,
     and consequently does not compare the phases in regard   to  their
     duration.  It  is to be noted, however, that the length of the invisible
     phase depends upon the proportion which the primary Stimulus bears,
     in point of intensity,  to the condition which it has produced in the
     retina before  it disappears. A comparatively faint Stimulus may re-
     quire a considerable time to produce a perceptible impression upon
     the retina that is fatigued even to a small degree; and a stronger
     Stimulus may act more rapidly, though  it has to overcome more com-
     plete fatigue.
        Finally,  those changes in other functions should be taken into
     account which accompany the fluctuating retinal condition.  Hein-
     rich 2) found that accommodation ceases when the attention is directed
     towards other than visual impressions.  Hence he concludes, with
     Münsterberg, that the fatigue which brings about the fluctuation

        1) "Wiersma, Untersuchungen über die sogenannten Aufmerksamkeitsschwan-
     kungen.  Zeitschr.  f. Psych, u. Phys., XXVI, S. 168.
        2) Heinrich, Die Aufmerksamkeit und  die Funktion  der  Sinnesorgane.
     Zeitschr.  f. Psych, u. Phys., Bd. IX, S. 342.
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