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P. 109
Temples. In the other side, was needed to send as soon as possible to Jerusalem the team of
Initiated Golems that would be in charge to localize the Secret. And also, would be necessary to
put immediately in march the formation of the military Order that would sustain the financial
Synarchy that will have to be promptly created. If such movements ended in the proposed
objectives by the White Fraternity, then the World Government of the Chosen People would
not delay and the Will of the Creator God One will be accomplished.
The Benedictine monk Robert received in 1098 the order of retiring from the vicinities
of Cîteaux: in the year 1100, once known the new of the capture of Jerusalem, the Pope Paschal
II puts him in front of the Citeaux Abbey and entrusted him the reform of the cluniac rule.
Over the base of the Regula Monachorum of Saint Benedict, he and his successor
Alberic, introduced substantial changes in regard to Cluny: the monks returned to the manual
work, is insisted with more rigor the asceticism and loneliness, that is, in the secret, and the
attire was changed: thence, the Cistercians will not use the classic black clothing of the cluniac
and Benedictines, but a white one, similar to the ancient tunic of the Golems from the Roman
Gaul, and to the one of the Levite priests who guarded in Israel the Ark with the Tablets of the
Law. In 1112 the community is ready to receive the group of Initiates that will give them their
definitive conformation: they are thirty one, amongst them Saint Bernard, who was focused to
found in Clairvaux, region of the Champagne, feud of Earl Hugues, also from Golem family, an
adequate monastery to preserve the Secret that would come from the East. Once finished, with
the pretext to effectuate translations of Hebrew texts, were convoked the main kabbalistic
Rabbis from Europe to collaborate in the task of deciphering the Tablets of the Law. What a
strange community of Cîteaux and Clairvaux, integrated by Golems and Jews, while whole
Europe was proclaimed «Christian» before the populations of «unfaithful» from the East!
At the death of Saint Bernard existed three hundred and fifty Cistercian monasteries,
and at the end of the XIII century, reached to be seven hundred in Europe. In this way was
carried out the first movement.
In regard to Cluny, mustn’t have to be believed that the foundation of the Cîteaux and
the expansion of the Order of the Temple would rest him some power. Proof of it is the huge
volume that its installations reached in the XIII century; for example, in 1245, with motive of
the General Council Lyon gathered by the Golems to excommunicate the Hyperborean Emperor
Frederick II, a numerous retinue accompanied the Pope in his visit to Cluny, where they were
accommodated easily without needing that the monks would have to abandon their cells; that's
to say, that it possessed an infrastructure to accommodate a Pope, an Emperor and a King of
France, with all the prelates and Lords of their corteges. Don't think that I am exaggerating, Dr.
Siegnagel: apart from the Pope Innocent IV were the two Patriarchs of Antioquia and
Constantinople, twelve Cardinals, three Archbishops, fifteen Bishops, the King of France Saint
Louis, his mother Blanche of Castile, his brother the Duke of Artois, and his sister, the Emperor
of Constantinople Baldwin II, the sons of the Kings of Aragon and Castile, the Duke of
Burgundy, six Counts, and an high number of Lords and Knights. Its library counted with five
thousand volumes copied by the friars, apart from the hundreds of manuscripts, scrolls and
books of Antiquity, that were unique pieces in Europe.