Page 104 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 104
much for the Church and for the cause of the Benedictine Order. He was succeeded as Emperor
by his son Louis the Pious, to whom his contemporaries nicknamed «the Pious» and «the
Monk», for his dedication to the Church and his preoccupation to put the Frank monks
definitively under the power of the Benedictine Order. Just three years after his imperial
coronation, he fulfilled that yen of the Golems in the Synod of Aachen of 817, where is agreed
to impose the Benedictine Rule in all the monasteries of the Frank dominions, that is, to what
prompt would be the Roman Empire of the German Nation: part of Spain, France, Germany,
Denmark, Sweden, Friesland, Italy, etc.
With the sanction of such imperial law, the power of the Order was consolidated enough
as to make that the Golems could not think in other thing, for the next two hundred seventy
years, than to take to the perfection the College of Constructers of Temples. In the precedent
two hundred years they accumulated the Knowledge of the Science; now they would pass to the
practice, they would form Guilds of Constructers composed by the learner lodges, mason
schoolfellows and masters; and such lodges would be laic, integrated by common people, but
directed in secrecy by the Order, that will be the keepers of the Plan and the Codes of the
Temple. Also would miss to dispose of a Final Key, a Secret that would allow the Golems to
take their work to its major perfection. But the Golems, and through Them the Benedictine
Order, counted with the Word of the White Fraternity that such Secret would be entrusted to
them when their European mission would be almost accomplished. Such Secret, such Key of the
keys, consisted in the Tablet of the Law of Jehovah Satan, the ones that the Creator God gave
to Moses in the Mount Sinai and that made possible for Hiram, King of Tyre, the construction
of the Temple of Solomon, the Temple of the temples: there where engraved, through a Sacred
Alphabet of twenty two signs, the Secret of the Serpent, i.e., the Highest Knowledge that is
permitted to be reached by the animal-man, the Words that the God One employed to name all
the things of the Creation: with those Tablets in his power, the Golems would be in conditions
to erect the Temple of Solomon in Europe, complying in this way with the plans of the White
Fraternity and elevating the Chosen People to the Throne of the World. Naturally, before
reaching to such wonderful realizations the Benedictine Order would have to resolve many
problems: in addition to startup of the College of Temple Constructors, would be necessary to
create the conditions to make that the populations of the Roman Empire support the existence
of a Military Order within the pale of Catholic Church. Such Order would have a double
function: in one hand, to guard for the moment in which the White Fraternity would decide to
give it to the Golems, the Tablets of the Law from their actual location in Jerusalem to Europe;
and on the other hand, to serve as a support in the military force in the Constitution of the
Financial Synarchy, or Concentration of the Economic Power, that would be necessary to
establish in Europe as previous step to the World Government of the Chosen People.
Seventeenth Day
To carry out the last part of the White Fraternity plans it required a reform in the