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will be dethroned, the last of the Divine Merovingian; in his place would be elected Pippin by
the Greats of the Empire and his nomination would be legitimized, analogously to the Old
Testament, by the consent of the Pope and the anoint of Saint Boniface. The payment of the
new King, for legitimize his encroachment, would consist in a considerable booty: the creation
of the Papal States. But this reward would not curtail in nothing the power of the Frank
Kingdom due to it would not be constituted at their expenses but to Lombard and Byzantines:
indeed, the Pope demanded as payment for his alliance with the Frank King some territories
that had to be previously conquered. Concerted the arrangement, in November of the year 751
the King Childeric III was confined in a Benedictine monastery and Pippin the Short proclaimed
King and was anointed by Saint Boniface. In 754 the King Pippin and the Pope Stephen II met
in the Ponthion where they signed a treaty where by the Franks are committed since then to
protect the Catholic Church and to serve the Throne of Saint Peter. Thereby, in 756, the Franks
donated to Saint Peter the Exarchate, Venice, Istria, the half of the Lombard Kingdom and the
counties of Spoleto and Benevento.
With Pippin the Short is inaugurated the Carolingian Dynasty, fundamental stone in the
work of the White Fraternity. In regard to what has been exposed, it is clearly perceived that
the court and all the springs of the Frank State were occupied by the Benedictine Order: would
not be difficult to imagine, then, in what type of ambience would be educated their grandsons
and family, and what beliefs would be inculcated concerning to the old «Pagan» religion of the
Germans and their ancient Gods. In consideration of all this, will have to be recognized to
Charlemagne to have made all possible to become a Judeo-Christian and to comply with the
plan of the Golems.
The fruit of the centuries of patient and reserved work obtained in the Benedictine
monasteries could be observed in the Carolingian court, especially in the denominated
«Palatine Schools». To this School concurred the Emperor personally with his sons and
daughters, his personal guard, and other members of the court, when listening the lessons that
were imparted by the «wise» Benedictines who arrived, in many cases, from far monasteries:
from Italy came to Aachen Paul of Pisa, Paulinus of Aquileia, Paul the Deacon, etc.; from Spain
came one of the Lords of Tharsis with the mission to spy the march the Golems’ conspiracy,
bringing at their return discouraging news about the magnitude and depth of the enemy
movement: was called Tiwulfo of Tharsis and was famous by his writes in the Palantine School,
entitled «De Spiritus Sancto Bellipotens». However, even by these provenances, the majority
of the masters were Irish and Anglo-Saxon, that is, Golems and their henchmen. Among the
last ones is convenient to mention the head of the Palatine School and of the general diffusion
that from its part would be given to the «Benedictine culture»: I'm referring to Alcuin of York,
disciple of the Saint Bede's School, the Venerable, who entered in the Palatine School in 781
and heads between 796 and 804, date of his death, the School of the monastery of Saint Martin
of Tours. His Schola Palatina is the focus called «Carolingian recognition», to which
contributes effectively his works, of classic inspiration neo-platonic, and based in concepts of
Priscian, Donato, Isidore, Bede, Boethius, just as De Ratione Animae, or their famous manuals
that reigned for centuries the European education: Grammar, De Orthographia, De
Rethorica, Dialectics, etc.
From the Palatine School the ideas go forth for the «Epistola de litteris colendis»,
which resolutions approved by Charlemagne had the force of the law and ordained the creation,