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deceit that it consisted in an original Judeo-Christian creation, would be presented after the
death the Emperor Theodosius, in 395, when the Roman Empire is distributed among his two
sons Arcadius and Honorius. Arcadio establishes in Constantinople, given birth to Byzantine
Empire, which would last unto the year 476, the Empire of Occident is divided in multiple
Roman-Germanic Kingdoms and begins a collective process of isolation and cultural decadence.
Not only with Asia were broken the cultural connections but with the same Greece; but
the European society was already prepared for the monastic institution: for centuries had seen
passing the wandering friars coming from the Holy Land and listening the histories of the
oriental anchorites and cenobites; even many pilgrims travelled to the Holy Land and there
adopted the ascetic life, preserving at their return the acquired habits; in that moment, VI
century, not exist European mountainous zone not inhabited by Christian eremites. But once
established the order of the monasteries, all would forget the oriental origin of the monastic
Precisely, from the Benedictine monasteries will emerge the copies and translations of
the most fecund books of the Greek culture, which didn't have a monastic institution, and
will be «lost» every vestige of the cultures of Far East; vestiges that had existed in the Roman
Empire and that mysteriously disappearence from Europe at the same time that «appear» the
most adequate books to push occident to the spiritual disaster of the Renaissance and the
Modern Age, that’s to say, the books where are exposed the rationalism and the Greek
speculation, root of the «Philosophy» and the modern «Science». Nothing will be told, since the
Benedictine Culture, about the Atlantean origin of the European civilizations, neither about the
religions of the populations of Asia, nor about the recent Germans, who will be obeyed to forget
their Gods and beliefs, and their runic alphabets. And nothing will be told, of course, that can
relate the occidental monastic institution with other Cultures that can awake the suspicion
that what occurred in Europe is a history repeated in other parts, the conclusion of a method of
Psychosocial Strategy to exert the control of the human societies. Recently, after the IX
century, by the presence of the Arabs in Spain, and in the XII century, by the transculturation
produced by the Crusades, some alert Spirits warn the Deceit. But they are few and will be too
late to stop the Golems.
Saint Benedict, who was born in the year 480, founded in 530 the model of Monte
Cassino and redacted in 534 his famous Law. That he received the instruction of the «Angels»
of the White Fraternity there are no doubts because his Regula Monachorum is a faithful
reproduction of the Regula Magistri Sapientiae. When he died in 547, and «ascended to
Heaven through a path guarded by the Angels» according to what witnessed many monks, the
bases of the «occidental monasticism» were settled down: that was «the moment» largely
awaited by the Golems to bounce into the continental countries of Europe.
In the V century the Golems were predominantly concentrated in Ireland and they
started to infiltrate in the Catholic Church. One of them was Saint Patrick, who was sent to the
Continent to study the Christian Doctrine and to make contact with members of the White
Fraternity: he returns in 432, coming from Rome, invested of Bishop and with the papal
authorization to evangelize Ireland. Immediately founded many monasteries, some of them
really important as the ones of Armagh and Bangor where would be celebrated the Synods and
would exist religious schools, where the Golems of Ireland and Great Britain would hurry to
enter. The next one hundred thirty years since the death of Saint Patrick in 462 until the