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for being believed that their provenance was the Phoenician City of Sidon, where they were
called Gauls or Gaulens. But from Sidon, the Golems expanded to Tyre, from where they
sailed with the Phoenicians to Tharsis and made the first incursions that the Lords of Tharsis
remember after the fall of Tyre, in the IV century B.C., they would establish, as was seen, in
Carthage, performing the Priesthood of Baal Moloch. Some Golems established also in Phrygia,
as officiates of the Cult of Cybele, of Adonis, and of Attis. Is due to in that time, the Golems had
a terrible power, fruit of centuries consecrated to the study of the Satanism and the practice of
the Black Magic. In sum, the Celts advanced through Europe guided by the Golems. And the
time, I‘d would say that such alliance would never end, being extended to our days.
But, how reached the Levites from the lost tribes to become in Golems?, in other words,
how they obtained that sinister knowledge? the explanation must be searched in the fact that
these Levites, something that didn't happen with other Jewish Priests neither then nor later,
they were not pleased with the knowledge that could only be extracted from the
written Torah: they wanted to enter in the Hokhmah, or Divine Wisdom, by a direct
contact with the Source of the Acoustic Kabbalah, which is the Science of the Swarthy
Their insistence and perseverance to obtain such purpose, and their character of
members of the Chosen People, convinced to the Demons of the White Fraternity that they
were before of invaluable collaborators of the Cultural Pact. And this conviction made them
decide to entrust them a very important mission, an enterprise that required their dynamic
intervention in History. The fulfillment of the proposed objectives by the Demons would
redound in benefit of the Levites, due to it would allow them to advance more and more in the
knowledge of the acoustic Kabbalah. What type of mission was entrusted to them by the
Demons? a work that had direct relation with their desires: would be the executors of the
Cultural Pact; they would work to neutralize the megalithic constructions of the White
Atlanteans, they would try to recover the Stone of Venus, they would fight unto death against
the members of the Pact of Blood, and would collaborate to make that the plan of the White
Fraternity, consistent in the establishment of the Synarchy of the Chosen People in Europe,
could be carried out well. But the Golems, privately, continued being Levites Priests, sons of the
Chosen People, and now keepers of the «Divine Wisdom» of YHVH, the Hokhmah; for this
reason their fundamental occupation, the main objective of their concerns, would be
theological: They would try to unify the Cults, demonstrating that, «behind the
plurality of the Cults», existed the «singularity of God»; that thenceforth they shall
comply rigorously with the Sacrifice of the Cult. «Because, no matter what form of
Cult could be, 'the Sacrifice is One', i.e, the Sacrifice participates from The One».
Since the V century, the Celts and Golems are already travelling through Europe to the
West. The Gauls were the ones who joined to Hamilcar Barca and avoided Rome to help
Tartessos; then they would join to Hamilcar Barca in the invasion of Italy; but much before, in
the IV century, they had humiliated Rome and destroyed the Temple of Apollo, in Delphi.
Julius Caesar, in his famous campaign of Gauls achieved to submit them definitely to the
control of Rome in 59 B.C.; August divided the transalpine Gaul in four provinces: the
Narbonensis, the Aquitaine, the Celtic or Lionese, and Belgium. The Golems, who had great
power over all those populations, started to withdraw step by step from the Roman provinces,
they were even followed by some Celtic contingents: they pass first to Great Britain, or