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P. 98

departure of Saint Columbanus in the year 590, are employed by the Golems to give form to the
               «Church of Ireland», i.e., to organize its future continental settlement.
                      The  year  590  signalizes  the  historic  «moment»  in  which  the  plans  of  the  White
               Fraternity for the participation of the Golems begins to be  rigorously executed. The «place»
               where  the  Golems  will  develop  the  College  of  Temples  Constructors  is  ready:  are  the
               monasteries  of  the  Order  of  Saint  Benedict.  And  the  Benedictine  monk  Gregory  has  been
               chosen Pope, who years before in Constantinople received the order of the White Fraternity to
               «convoke the Irish monks,i.e., the Golems, to integrate them in the Order of Saint Benedict.
                      It must be remembered that in the year 589 was developed the III Council of Toledo
               where  the  King  Reccared,  by  the  influence  of  the  Bishop  of  Seville  Saint  Leander,  declares
               himself «Catholic Roman», with the Queen and all the court of the Visigothic Kingdom.
                      Therefore,  must  not  surprise  that  the  Golems  were  precipitated  to  Spain  since  that
               disastrous year 590. However, such reapparition caused great shock to the Counts of Turdes
               Valter  who  didn't  expect  to  see  the  Golems  again  in  the  peninsula,  at  least  while  the  Goth
               occupation took place. But such improvidence had its cause in the supposition that the Golems
               would  remain  Pagan  and  would  not  «submit»  to  the  Catholic  Church:  such  supposition  was
               ingenuous, as the reality was in charge to demonstrate it prompt, because the Golems aspired
               to control the Catholic Church after their «submission» to it. The Counts of Turdes Valter,
               who  also  belonged  to  the  Church  and  were  Hispanic-gothic  nobles,  employed  then  all  their
               influence  to  prevent  the  Benedictine  expansion  in  the  South  of  Spain,  objective  that  they
               totally achieved: the Golems, as is logic, would  be  established in the North of Spain, in the
               Celtic regions. From the domium monastery, neighbor to Braga, in the Lusitania, and others in
               Bierzo and in the end of the Cantabria Asturian mountain range denominated Peaks of Europe,
               the Golems would undertake countless incursions in the Beatica with the finality to destroy the
               House of Tharsis and steal the Wise Sword. A total secret war was fought since the VIII century,
               where the Golems «missionary monks» tried to approach to the Village of Turdes and the Lords
               of Tharsis  executed them without mercy. But,  for each Benedictine Golem that disappeared
               leaving no trail or appeared murdered in a road by unknown hands, concurred two to replace
               him, obeying the House of Tharsis to maintain, as before, a permanent alert state. Experts in
               black magic, and masters in every type of Science, would employ all what they knew to localize
               the Secret Cave, but would always fail. At the end, they would ask for help to Bera and Birsha,
               as will be seen later.
                      It is evident that the insertion of the Golems in the Catholic Church not constitutes a
               motive enough to disqualify it completely. The reason is that the Golems were introduced as a
               «Secret Society» inside of the Church and, even if their intrigues compromised in more than
               one occasion the whole Church, their plans were never declared openly nor officially assumed
               by them. On the contrary, in many other opportunities really spiritual personalities, authentic
               Christians, had shone inside it. It is convenient to consider then, even though such distinction
               would  not  be  always  easy  to  determine,  as  though  two  Churches  exist  superimposed:  one,
               against which the Lords of Tharsis fought, is the Golem Church; I will denominate as this in
               other  parts  and  its  definition  will  be  emerging  from  the  history;  other  is  the  Church  of
               Kristos,  or  just  Church,  where  the  Lords  of  Tharsis  belonged  and  the  Circulus  Domini
               Canis, and where many of those who are for the Spirit and against the Potencies of the Matter
               belong, for Kristos Light and against Jehovah Satan. One is the Church of the Betrayal to the

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