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P. 102

in every Monastery and Cathedrals, of Shools for Priests and laymen: in these should be taught
               the  Trivium,  the  Quadrivium,  the  Philosophy  and  Theology.  The  Trivium  and  the
               Quadrivium formed the called «seven liberal arts»: the  Trivium  contained  the Grammar or
               Philology,  the  Rhetoric  and  Dialectic;  and  the  Quadrivium,  the  Astronomy,  Geometry,
               Arithmetic  and  Music.  Of  course  the  teaching  of  matters  was  in  charge  on  the  Benedictine
               monks, who had prepared to it for two hundred years and were the only ones who disposed of
               enough masters and classic material to comply with the real order that they had inspired. And
               the Benedictines Golems had very clear how should be educated the European minds to make
               possible the collective experimentation of the imperious necessity of the local Temple in the
               coming times: so the College of Golem Constructors, that soon would be in march, would erect
               Temples  of  Stone  never  seen  before,  magnificent  Cathedrals,  Constructions  that  would  be
               really  stone  machines  of  Swarthy  Atlantean  technology  and  whose  function  would  aim  to
               transmute the mind of the believer and to adjust it to the collective Archetype of the Hebrew
               Race, which is the same of the Jesus Christ archetype.
                      Alcuin, who called himself «Flaccus» in  honor to the Latin poet Horace, directed the
               Golem  cultural  Benedictine  circles  that  surrounded  the  Emperor.  In  those  cenacles  was
               breathed a biblical and Judaic air very intense: the own Charlemagne demanded to be called
               «David», and  his loyal counselor Einhard,  for example,  asked to  be  named Beseleel,  by the
               constructor  of  the  Tabernacle  of  the  Temple  of  Jerusalem.  And  this  special  microclimate
               ambiented by the Benedictine Golems, the Emperor and his main collaborators of the Frank
               nobility, were gradually brainwashed and conditioned to adopt the «Golem perspective» about
               the Order of the World. To preserve this Order, for example, had to be eradicated Paganism
               and imposed judeochristianity on the whole world: that was the Good, what demanded the law
               of God and what subscribed the representative of Saint Peter. It didn't matter if to achieve that
               Good had to be destroyed brother populations: God would forgive his followers all what was
               made in His Name. The Golems conditioned in this way the mind of the Emperor because they
               needed  a  new  Perseus,  a  «Hero»  to  execute  the  extermination  sentence  that  was  over  the
               population of Pure Blood of the Saxons and would allow them to steal the Stone of Venus.
                      At  least,  the  Perseus  population  of  the  Carthaginians  that  destroyed  Tartessos  a
               thousand years  before  belonged to other Race. The crime of Charlemagne and his Franks is
               inestimably  greater,  because,  not  conformed  with  the  military  support  in  the  offensive
               ordained by Saint Boniface against the Hyperborean Wisdom of the Saxons, he undertook the
               work to exterminate the Saxon nobility in person, close brother of the Frank blood.
                      The Saxon population was one of the last in Occident who maintained uninterruptedly
               loyal to the Pact of Blood and the Liberator Gods: according to what they believed, the White
               Atlanteans had entrusted them the mission to protect the Great Secret of the White Race, that
               from the sky fell over Germany thousands of years ago, during the Battle of the Atlantis; such
               Secret was specifically mentioned in the Myth of Navutan, to whom the Saxons called Wothan,
               as  the  «ring  of  the  Kâlachakra  Key»,  where  the  Traitor  Gods  had  engraved  the  Sign  of  the
               Origin: Freya Partridge had to release it before entering in the moribund Navutan and his fall,
               according to the Wisdom of the Saxons, it occurred in Germany; specifically, had fell over the
               rocks of the Externsteine, a mountain located in the middle of the forest Teutoburg Wald. The
               Saxons beliefs sustained that, the ring touched the rock at the same time in which Navutan
               resuscitated and acquired the Wisdom of the Language of the Birds: this produced that the Sign

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