Page 105 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 105
Benedictine monastic system: it was necessary, above all, to concentrate the knowledge of the
Order and control, from that centre, the main cultural functions of Occident. And such reform
would not delay due to it was predicted beforehand, that’s to say, it was an strategic alternative
of the Golems; in the same IX century, when Charlemagne died and his dynasty was preparing
to begin a struggle between factions, for the pieces of the Empire, that would endure one
hundred years, the change was already starting: in the year 814, Louis the Pious, the Monk,
gives all his support to Saint Benedict of Aniane for the foundation of a monastery in Aachen,
where the Benedictine Rule would be applied with the maximum rigor. Three years after such
monk, who had been sent to the Carolingian court by the Benedictine Pope Leo III, redacts and
introduces the Capitulare Monacorum and the Codex Regularum that would give initial
foundation to the reform of the Benedictine Order. But will be in the X century when the
objective of concentrating the Knowledge of Order to end definitively with the occupation of
the monastery of Cluny. The delay must be adjusted to the compatibility that such objective
had to keep with the security of the Secret of the Order: the Golems could not run the risk, in
that point of the facts, of a failure for improvidence. Because this Cluny's reform is only
undertaken when is disposed of the security that it won't be interrupted.
With the election of the Saxon Henry I, the Fowler, as Frank King and Emperor, in the
year 919, entered in History the extraordinary lineage of the Ottomans and Salians, a pure
blood that would reach to produce a Frederick II Hohenstaufen in the XIII century, «the
Hyperborean Emperor who opposed with the Power of the Spirit to the most satanic
representatives of the Cultural Pact». In the X century, that powerful lineage was dedicated
with vigor to reorganize the Realm, while the Papacy falls in the major discredit due to the
management effectuated by the families of the Roman nobility, specially the Theodore,
Crescentius, Tusculums, etc. The Benedictine Order, that had decided to take advantage of the
moment to work secretly in the formation of the College of Constructors of Temples, is assured
since a beginning that no one would interfere in the operation of Cluny: is that, precisely, the
chosen place to obtain Knowledge fell over a French monastery by exclusive security reasons. A
succession of papal bulls emitted during the X and XI century obeyed to the letter by the dukes
of Aquitaine and the Kings of Burgundy established the total independence of Cluny from any
other authority except for the Pope or his abbots: neither the Kings, nor the Dukes or Counts,
nor the regional Bishops, could intervene in the issues of the monastery.
Have you actually heard, Dr. Siegnagel, of certain secret bases that the Great Powers
would have, for example the Soviets or the North Americans, where they have gathered a great
number of scientists of all specialties, provided with the most advanced instrumental means, to
plan in an integral form objectives of high reach, and that would depend directly of the
President of some Supreme Council and act independently of any kind of national authority
apart from their own bosses or commanders? Well, Cluny was exactly the same in the X
century. There was planned for a future Europe, Judeo-Christian, unified under the Cathedrals
and the Temple of Solomon, controlled by military Order of the Church, administered by a
Financial Synarchy, and governed, finally, by the Chosen People.
Is Formosus, the same Benedictine Pope whose unburied corpse was hurled to the Tiber
by the Pope Stephen VI, follower of Lambert of Spoleto, in vengeance, because he crowned
Emperor to Arnulfo, who had nominated Berno to carry out the great mission. Berno was a
Benedictine monk of Burundian noble lineage, whose influence over the duke William I of