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P. 95
government: in that enterprise would occupy the effort of all the Priestly Caste of Occident,
standing out in first term the mission entrusted to the Golems. When the society would be
ready for the World Government then would realized, through a Messiah, the reunification of
Christianity with the House of Israel and would be elevated the Chosen People to the Throne of
the World. Such were the plans of the White Fraternity and of the Priests of the Cultural Pact.
The transformation of the society, that such plans demanded, would be fulfilled principally by
the religious unification and the fixative of the Cult that exerts every Temple over the masses.
But would be more: was also required the formation of a financial and military power to
give support, on its opportunity, to the constitution of the World Government.
The official Cult of the European societies was Christianity, thus the Temples would
respond to the Rites of the Church. Clearly, it is adverted that the plan of the Traitor Gods
requires the effectuation of two conditions: the first is that the masses take consciousness
about the necessity of the Temple for the efficacy of the Ritual; and the second is to dispose,
in the moment in which this necessity reaches its major expression, a man capable to satisfy it
by the constructions of Temples in great quantities and volumes. The first condition would be
accomplished by the constant and permanent missionary preach; the second, with the
foundation in Occident, of a Secret College of the Temple Constructors: this College, Dr.
Siegnagel, was entrusted to the Golems. But this not occurred immediately, because the plan of
the White Fraternity had to be fulfilled starting with the first condition: when in the Church
was be prepared the place that the Golems would occupy to develop their Constructors College,
in the VI century, only then they were convened in Ireland to realize their amazing
continental reappearance.
From that opportunity the Golems took advantage to return to Europe and is the
product of the birth, in the VI century, of the «occidental monasticism», traditionally attributed
to Benedict of Nursia. Really, only the ignorance of the Europeans could sustain such
attribution for 1200 years; however, although since the XVII century it is known in
Occident the histories of the religions of Asia with quite precision, even today exist
those who stubbornly sustain that hambug, amongst them, the official dogma of the
Catholic Church: but, to prove the deceit, it is just necessary to take a flight, travel to
the Tibet, and observe there the Buddhist monasteries of the III and II centuries B.C.,
i.e., eight hundred years before Saint Benedict, whose inner laws and constructions
are analogous to the Benedictines. The prayer and the work were a Rule there, just as in the
formula ora et lavora of Saint Benedict; but, the most important, the most clarifier of the
comparison, will result undoubtedly to discover that the Tibetan monks were dedicated to the
office as copyist, that is, to reproduce and perpetuate ancient documents and books, and to
preserve and develop the art of the constructions of Temples, just as the Benedictines. And
must not be insisted, due to it is well-known, that such monasteries constituted centres of
religious diffusion by the action of the missionary and mendicant monks that there were
prepared and sent through all Asia.
At the light of the actual knowledge, however, any one with good faith must admit that
the institution of the oriental monasticism date from the X century B.C., i.e., is at least 1400
years older than the apparition of the occidental monasticism. To refresh the memory in regard
to this, it is convenient to remember the next: in first place, that the oldest hymns of the Rig