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thirty two mysterious paths of the One. This knowledge, gives place to a High Science
denominated acoustic and numeral kabbalah, which is expressed only in the first Tablets
of the Law: in the seconds, which were always exoteric, there is nothing else than a Moral
Decalogue, pallid reflect of the ten Supreme Archetypes or Sephiroth. The first Tablets
possess then, the Secret of the Serpent, the Secret of the Construction of the Universe: to
preserve this secret from the profane glances, the Tablets were kept in the Ark of the
Covenant, while an «interpretation» of the kabbalah was encrypted by Moses, Joshua, the
Elders, etc., in the written Pentateuch or Torah. The twenty two Hebrew letters, with which
were written the encrypted words, keep direct relation with the twenty two archetypal sounds
that the Creator One pronounced, what gives them and inestimable value as magic instrument.
But such letter also possesses an archetypal numeric meaning, in such way that every
word is susceptible to be analyzed and interpreted. This is the origin of the Jewish numeric
kabbalah, exclusively dedicated to comprehend the Writing of the Torah, which must not be
confused with the White Atlantean acoustic Kabbalah that is referred to the Vrunes of
But the acoustic kabbalah was revealed in the Tablets of the Law and these were locked
in the Ark, where only could be extracted once in a year, for privilege of the Priests. Finally, the
King Solomon buried the Ark in a deep crypt under the Temple, some thousand years B.C., and
remained in the same place until the Middles Ages, i.e., for twenty one centuries. I could add
that was the magical manner in which it was buried what avoided the Ark to be
discovered before.
When Solomon died, the Kingdom of Israel was divided in two parts. The tribes of Judah
and Benjamin, who occupied the South of Palestine, remained under the command of
Rehoboam, son of Solomon, and the rest of the country, formed by the other ten tribes, was
aligned behind the authority of Jeroboam. In the year 719 B.C. the Great King Sargon
destroyed the Kingdom of Israel, and the ten tribes of Jeroboam were transported to the
interior of Assyria to serve in the slavery. The two remaining tribes formed the Kingdom of
Judah, from which descends, in greater or fewer extent, the actual Jews.
The «ten lost tribes of Israel» didn't disappear from History just as the interested Jewish
propaganda pretends to make believe, due to it is known about the matter much more than it is
said. For example, it is true that existed Hebrew in America before Columbus, and also that
great part of the actual population of Afghanistan descend from the primitive members of the
Chosen People. But what interest now is to say that existed migrations of the Hebrews to the
North, who were guided by a powerful caste of Levites. After that they traversed the Caucasus,
where they were decimated by Germanic tribes, they reached to steppes of Russia and clashed
there with a Scythian population. The mass of the Hebrew people mixed with the Scythians,
but, as they were much inferior in number, they not affected the ethnic identity of them; on
the contrary, the Levite caste didn't accept to lose their condition of members of the Chosen
People degrading their blood with the Gentiles. Thereby, the Levites remained, dedicated
to the Cult and study of the numeric Kabbalah, for many years, reaching notable progress in
the field of the natural sorcery and magic. When, centuries later, the Scythians moved to the
West, one part of them established in the Carpathians and the shores of the Black Sea, while
the other part continued their advance to central Europe, where they were known as Celts.
Accompanying the Celts were the descendants of those Levite Priests, called now Golem