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P. 87
ones from Turdes-Valter would be Visigoths counts.
The political unification of Spain completed by his Father, the King Liuvigild, and the
religious unification carried out by Reccared, would leave unveiled the internal Enemy that,
until then, had thrived with the differences that separated both populations. It was about the
members of the Chosen People, by Jehovah Satan, who profess to the Gentiles, that's to say, to
those who not belong to the Chosen People, an inextinguishable hate analogous to the one that
Golems feel against the House of Tharsis. Even though the last Christianity, the one of Jesus
Christ, registered the clear origin of their Sacred Books, their traditions, their Synagogues, and
Rabbis, they depreciated it and explained its existence as a necessary evil, as the fable that
would put in evidence the moral Jew Truth. The false Catholic Christianity would last until the
advent of the Jewish Messiah, the real Christ, who would sit in the Throne of the World and
would submit all the populaces of the Earth to the Slavery of the Jews. This was a prophecy
that would be relentlessly accomplished, just as countless Rabbis and Doctors of the Law
assured in the Talmud. They blindly believed that the Diaspora had as finality to infiltrate them
amongst the Gentile populations as some kind of mystical preparation for the Future that
would come, for the Universal Restoration of the Temple of Jehovah Satan and the
resurrection of the House of Israel, the real Jewish Messiah: during the dispersion, the Gentiles
would learn who are the Jews, the expression of the God One on the Earth, and the Jews would
demonstrate to the Gentiles what is the Power of the God One. In all Diaspora, and in such
Sefard of Spain, the Jews, persuaded by their messianic leadership, were determined to
undermine by any means the social fundaments of the Gentile populations; the religion, the
moral, the royal and nobility institutions, the economy, and every legal base, suffered
systematic attacks by the members of the Chosen People.
Reccared had to act against them due to the evidence of their indefatigable corrupting
task, but the successors of such King didn't work with the necessary energy and allowed that
the Jews to proceed with their plans. The King Sisebut, extraordinary warrior and jealous
Christian, who defeated successively the Basques, Cantabri, Sucones, Asturianos, and byzantine
Greeks, had to correct that situation: in April of 612 he dictates a law that prohibits to the Jews
«the possession of Christian slaves». You must not forget, Dr. Siegnagel, the profound irony
that implicated such prohibition from the theological perspective, considering that the
Talmudic prophecies announced «the prompt enslavement of Christians and Goym». Of course,
to the juridical effects, the law was regulated, aiming to particular slaves, and in this manner
was ordained that «to every Jew surprised in possession of a Christian slave after July the first
of 612 all his goods would be confiscated and to the slave would be conceded the freedom as a
Roman citizen» Also became effective, by the same law, a disposition from the times of Alaric II
who executed the Jews who had converted a Christian to their religion, even in sons of
When Sisebut died, in 633 is gathered the IV Council of Toledo where assisted the Count
of Tharsis in quality of local Bishop. There many themes were treated, as the royal succession,
the cases of sedition, the rules for the ecclesiastical discipline, etc., and on it was debated
mainly of what concerned to the Jewish problem. The King Sisen and who chaired the Council,
with a complete lack of the strategic skills and the Hyperborean Vision of Sisebut, allow a Pro-
Jew faction to take the main voice and to question the measures recently decreed against the
Chosen People. Is there when the Count of Turdes Valter faces violently against the Bishop