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carved,  which  emerge  immediately  from  under  the  Crown;  because  even  She,  as  the  Child,
               exhibits the attributes of the Royal Dignity: both Crowns are triple and octagonal; in regard to
               the Child, he is seated on her lap, over the left knee, while She lovingly, sustains him from his
               shoulders with the left hand: in difference to the Sculpture of the Virgin, which is of painted
               wood, the Child one is of White Stone; Virgin of Wood, Child of Stone: the Countenance of the
               Virgin is painted of immaculate White, the Hair of Gold, the Body of Red and the Cathedra of
               Black; with the right hand, the Virgin wields a bundle of sixteen spikes of Wheat and a birch
               rod, with the left hand she holds the Child; her foots are separated, as her knees, and beneath
               her right foot can be seen, crushed, the head of a serpent; the Child Kristos King, on his part,
               looks fix ahead, in the same direction of his Divine Mother, and has a book in the left hand
               while with the right he realizes a gesture that stands out the straight angle between
               the fingers index and thumb.
                      It is evident why to the worship was given the name of «The White Virgin of the Child of
               Stone»  or  «Our  Lady  of  the  Grotto»  due  to,  apart  from  the  mention  made  by  the  Lords  of
               Tharsis about the place of the apparition of the Virgin, the «grotto» not intervened at all in the
               Cult. But the case was that the Virgin, whose description I just made, represented clearly to
               Ama, the Mother of Navutan, to whom the White Atlanteans called «The Virgin of K'Taagar»
               because they pretended that She was still in the City of the Liberator Gods. But what means
               K'Taagar?  is  an  agglutination  of  three  ancient  words:  the  first  «Hk»,  from  which  is  only
               conserved the final «K», that was for the White Atlanteans a generic Name of God, with Hk
               they used to refer to the Unknowable and also to the Liberator Gods; the second is «Ta» or
               «Taa», which means City: but not any City but Hyperborean City, City of the White Atlanteans;
               and the third is «Gr» or «Gar», which is equivalent to Crypt, Grotto, or underground enclosure.
               So, K'Taagar means, approximately: «The Underground City of the Liberator Gods». With the
               suppression of the «K» and the transposition of the rest words, other populations have referred
               to the same City as Agartha, Agarta, or A'grta, which means literally «Underground City». The
               Virgin  of  K'Taagar  is  also  the  Virgin  of  Agartha.  But  «A'grta»  can  be  interpreted  as  «the
               grotto». In this form appears the real origin of the ingenious denomination «Our Lady of the
               Grotto» that the Lords of Tharsis adopted to refer openly to the Virgin of Agartha.
                      In sum, when the imperial law of 392 that repressed the practice of the Pagan Cults was
               dictated, the Lords of Tharsis were already Christians, Catholic Romans, and sustained in their
               ecclesiae propiae the Cult to Our Lady of the Grotto, the Virgin of Agartha. It doesn’t mean
               that with this change they renounced to the Cult of the Cold Fire: in reality, to celebrate such
               Cult  was  not  required  any  Image.  Was  the  figurative  necessity  of  the  Lydians  what,  when
               «perfectioning the Form of the Cult», introduced, in the past, the Image of Pyrene. But Pyrene
               was the Cold Fire in the Heart and her simpler representation consisted in the Perennial Lamp:
               to the Goddess Chosen Ones, to those who still believed in her Promise, would be enough with
               the  Perennial  Lamp,  because  the  end  of  the  Ritual  and the  Test  of  the  Cold  Fire  had  to  be
               realized internally. Thereby, all the Ancient Mystery of the Cold Fire was exposed to the sight
               in  such  Basilica  of  the  Village  of  Turdes.  But,  as  before,  as  always,  only  the  Men  of  Stone
               understood it. Only They knew, when praying in the Chapel, that the Gaze of Virgin of Agartha,
               and  of  the  Child  of  Stone,  were  nailed  in  the  Flame  of  the  Perennial  Lamp;  and  that  such
               dancing Flame was Pyrene, was Frya, the Wife of Navutan, expressing with her dance the Secret
               of the Death.
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