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P. 79

And Frya decides it in that moment: as a partridge, she will dance the Secret of Life and
               Death. She will express, with the Dance, the Highest Wisdom that would be possible
               to be comprehended by the mortal men from Outside of Themselves.
                      And Frya, dancing in the depths of Himself, reveals to Navutan the Secret coming from
               outside of Himself. And Navutan understands it, and the spell caused by the Fruit of the Tree
               of Life and Death was cut, and he resuscitates again as an immortal. And when he descends
               from his crucifixion Tree, he realizes that his body has transmuted and now is of Pure Stone;
               and that he can comprehend and express the Language of the Birds. So, Navutan teaches to the
               White Atlanteans the thirteen plus three Vrunes through the Language of the Birds and guides
               them to understand the Sign of the Origin, «with it they will obtain the Highest Wisdom, they
               will be immortal while the Spirit remains chained to the animal-man, and they will conquer
               Eternity when they win in the Battle against the Potencies of the Matter and be free again in
               the Origin».
                      I’ve  synthesized  hitherto,  Dr.  Siegnagel,  the  history  of  Navutan,  according  to  the
               mythical  narration  of  the  White  Atlanteans.  It  is  easy  to  advert  that  it  had  many  common
               points with the gospel’s history of Jesus Christ: both histories treats about a God made man;
               both Gods born from a Virgin; both died by voluntary crucifixion; both resuscitate; both leave
               the testament of their Wisdom; both form disciples to whom they reveal the «good new», that
               they  shall  communicate  to  their  similars;  both  affirm  that  the  «Kingdom  is  not  from  this
               World»; etc. But it is evident that exists, also, fundamental differences between both doctrines.
                      Perhaps the most noticeable are the following: Navutan comes to liberate the Spirit of
               Man of his prison in the World of the Creator God; the Spirit is Uncreated, that's to say, not
               created by the Creator God and hence, nothing that happen here can essentially smirch it and
               much less affect it ethically; the Spirit is innocent and pure in the Eternity of the Origin; for
               this reason Navutan affirms that the Hyperborean Spirit, belongs to a Warrior Race, and only
               can manifests an essential hostility to the World of the Creator God, only can rebel itself
               from the Material Order, can only doubt about the reality of the World that constitutes the
               Great Deceit, can only refuse as False or Enemy to all who is not product of Himself, that is, the
               Spirit, and can only encourage just one purpose with Wisdom: to abandon the World of the
               Creator God, where is enslaved, and return to the World of the Unknowable, where will be a
               God  again.  Adversely,  Jesus  Christ  comes  to  save  the  Soul  of  Men  from  the  Sin,  from  the
               disobedience to the Law of the Creator God; the Soul is Created by the Creator God and has to
               obey blindly the Law of the Father; all what happens here affect ethically to the Soul and can
               increase its Sin quota; the Soul is not innocent neither pure because men are here in this World
               as a punishment of an Original Sin committed by the Fathers of the Mankind and inherited,
               thence, the Original Sin; for this reason Jesus Christ affirms that Soul of Man, the most perfect
               creature of the Creator God, must only manifest an essential love attitude to the World of the
               Creator  God,  must  only  accept  with  resignation  his  place  in  the  Material  Order,  must  only
               believe in the Reality of the World, must only accept as Real and Friendly what proves to come
               in the Name of the Creator God, and must only encourage a unique objective with Wisdom: to
               stay in the  World of the Creator God  as a lamb  and  be shepherded  by Jesus Christ or the
               Priests who represents him. To be a God or a lamb, in that consists, Dr. Siegnagel.
                      As I anticipated, when the imperial law of the year 392 threatened to consider «crime of
               injured majesty» the practice of the Pagan Cults, although the House of Tharsis had accepted
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