Page 82 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 82
World and the Scoundrel of the Spirit that would approve their government, worms and
serpents, lamb and sheep, peace pigeons, no eagle, no condor, Dr. Siegnagel.
Of course, that the exception to this rule remains save to the ones of Pure Blood; to all
those who intuit that with the crucifixion the Eternal Spirit must be liberated, that it never
sinned, and not saved the sinner Soul; to those who want a Warrior Kristos and not a
Shepherd Christ; to those who feel a Kristos of Uncreated Light and not to those who perceive a
Material Christ. The Kristos that the Lords of Tharsis conceived, for example, was a Spiritual
Pure God, of Uncreated Light, who if would be manifested in the Earth, would make it wearing
a Kings’ Crown and wielding the Sword; and in this parousia, the mere presence of Kristos
would be enough to produce an Spiritual Aristocracy amongst men, that would put end to the
confusion of the Spiritual Scoundrel: Kristos would communicate charismatically to men, he
would talk to them directly to their Pure Blood; and who be able to listen it better, would be
really the most Virtuous, the most Spiritual, the Real Kristians.
Thirteenth Day
As we have seen, the Lords of Tharsis were Christians sui generis, and if the Church
would have discovered their real beliefs surely they would have condemned as heretics. But
they had always cared on their public manner to express their ideas: far were the times when
the House of Tharsis guarded the Cult of the Cold Fire and assumed the obligation of its
conservation and diffusion. After the destruction of Tartessos and the oath made by the last
Men of Stone, the priority that they had imposed to themselves consisted in to comply with the
familiar mission and save the Wise Sword: and for it would be necessary to move remaining
unnoticed, concentrated only in their objectives. They didn't forget that the Wise Sword was
still waiting in the Secret Cave neither the sentence of the Golems, or Gorren, that's to say, the
Hogs, as was contemptuously qualified by the Lords of Tharsis alluding to the sentence written
with the blood of the Vrayas.
Even though the Lords of Tharsis didn't talk about their religious ideas, instead, they
acted: and they made it ostensibly, to attract the attention of their exemplary behavior and to
divert it from controversial thoughts. The great ignorance that characterized the clerics and
bishops of that age, favored them to a great extent: they were only fixed in the exterior part of
the Cult and in the obedience and faith demonstrated by the believers. And, in that sense, the
House of Tharsis constituted a Christian family: they were rich landowners but very humble
and virtuous; always working their properties in Huelva passed great part of the year in the
campaign; they generously helped the Church and maintained, in the Village of Tharsis, a
Basilica consecrated to the Holy Virgin; they even formed, with the people of the hamlet of
Turdes, a «Minor Order Audience» in charge of the exposition of the Gospel to the
Catechumens who would be baptized! Yes, the Church could be proud of the House of Tharsis.
Really, the Lords of Tharsis didn't lie in this due to they affirmed that the Most Pure