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Christianity long time ago as their familiar religion. Logically, the Lords of Tharsis saw clearly
the march of such time, and their unique priority, since the destruction of Tartessos, was to
give accomplishment to the familiar mission and preserve the Wise Sword. This familiar
priority determined a Strategy for the survival of the Lineage, survival that could be strongly
threatened by a new persecution: were difficult times in IV century, the decadence of Rome
that Polybius foresaw in the II century B.C., had become real. The empire, stalked in all its
frontiers by the invader populations, has incorporated entire regiments of mercenaries and has
given the command to the barbarian armies; the agriculture of the small agriculturists was
ruined centuries ago and disappeared in Italy, absorbed by great landowners: only survived, in
those days, the colonial estates, amongst them, the one that the Lord of Tharsis had in Spain,
contributing with their low prices to destabilize the economy of the metropolis.
In front of this panorama of general insecurity, the Lords of Tharsis, who are not Kings
but a family of landowners and Hispanic-Roman functionaries, they must act with extreme
caution. Christianity, has been imposed in the summit of the imperial Power, now is supported
by spears and the legionaries swords. But this «Christianity», evidently, has not doctrinaire
principles to result absolutely unacceptable for the Lords of Tharsis: as they learnt harshly in
their war against the Golems, the Myths, the Legendary Histories, the Arguments that are
written in Heaven, can be repeated again in the Earth. And they are disposed to accept the
history of Jesus, and even the message, the good news, as some kind of actualization of the
Myth of Navutan: the Lords of Tharsis will become Christians because they will see the history
of Jesus with the optic of the Ancient Wisdom; and they will not discuss the differences,
although they will have them present and they will be never forget them.
They will embrace the Cross and will celebrate the sacraments of the Roman Church; for
all the effects they will be consecrated Christians; even they will give from their children to the
Church. But amongst them, in the middle of the House of Tharsis, they will only recognize as
Truth what is coincident with the history of Navutan or with other fragments of the
Hyperborean Wisdom that the family still retains. As in their moment the Gnostics and
Manichaean, and later will make the Cathars and Albigenses, they will accept only a part of the
Gospels, specially the Gospel of John, and will absolutely deny the Old Testament. This is what
they alleged: that the God of the Jews was Jehovah Satan, an aspect or countenance of the God
One the Creator of the Material Universe; in the Genesis is narrated the history of the Creation
of the Material Universe, where would be enslaved the Eternal and Uncreated Spirit, the Spirit
only concedes value to the Real World whence its comes; and from where also came the Creator
God, due to the Material Universe has been evidently created as imitation of the Real World.
And in the Old Testament is narrated also the history of the «Chosen People», by
Jehovah Satan, to reign over all the countries of the Earth. It was not clear then, the Promise
that the Creator had made unto Abraham «Lookest around whence you are, to the north and
south, to the east and west. All the land that thou seest I will give to thee and thine offspring
forever. I will make thine offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could reckon the
dust, then thine offspring could be counted. Goest, walkest upon the length and breadth of the
land, for I am giving it to thee» [Gen. 13,14]. Promise which is reaffirmed later «And taking
him out, Jehovah said unto him: lookest out to the sky and countest, if thou canst, the stars.
And he added: thine offspring wilt be as the stars thou seest in the sky». But the Creator was
clearer with Moses, when he revealed the mission of the Chosen People «Therefore if ye will