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P. 78

his  Divine  Mother,  the  Virgin  Ama,  decided  to  become  mortal  and  discovers  the  secret  of
               immortality for mankind.
                      Since the Great Ancestors ate the Fruit of the Tree of Death, no one dared to get closer
               to him due to the fear of the Death. But Navutan was immortal as the Great Ancestors and he
               achieved, as Them, to get closer without problems. Once next to the Tree, Navutan cut and ate
               from the Forbidden Fruit, remaining hereupon bewitched by the illusion of Life: now was only
               missing for him to discover the secret of the Death without dying, because if he died in the
               attempt  he  would  never  be  able  to  communicate  the  Wisdom  to  the  White  Men.  Thereby,
               Navutan crucified himself in the Tree of Terror, to defeat the Death, hanging nine nights
               from its trunk. Nevertheless, as time passed by, the Death was getting closer and Navutan did
               not achieve to comprehend its secret. Finally, once agonizing, the Great White Chief closed his
               unique eye, that he maintained fix into the illusion of the World, and looked to the depths of
               Himself, in a desperate and last reaction to save the life that was turning off without remedy.
                      And in the summit of Himself, in the middle of the Infinite Blackness of the insinuated
               Death, he saw emerging a Resplendent Figure, a Being that was Pure Gracefulness: was Frya,
               the Joy of the Spirit, his Divine Wife of the Origin came to his rescue.
                      When Navutan opens his eye again, Frya gets out from it and internates in the World of
               the Great Deceit: she goes in search for the secret of the Death to save her agonizing husband.
                      However she didn't achieve it and times ends relentlessly. Finally, without despair, Frya
               goes to Hyperborea to ask the Liberator Gods; They advise her to seek for a Giant bi-cephalous
               who lives in a World situated under the roots of the Tree of Terror and who performs the office
               of sentinel: to that Giant she must steal the Kâlachakra Key, because on it the Traitor Gods
               have engraved the secret of the Death. The Myth of the White Atlanteans is here very complex
               and it is only convenient to mention that Frya, transformed in a Raven, descends to the World
               of the Giant bi-cephalous and steals him the Kâlachakra Key: but, to get it, she had to become
               assassin and whore; Frya, in fact, breaks with a strike of her axe the Kâlachakra Key, but the
               pin, when it fell, was transformed in seven giants with seven heads each one, «who sleep to let
               the root Races live for them»; thereupon, and without alternatives because she is urged by the
               time, Frya dresses with the Veil of the Death that such Giants maintain attached with a lasso in
               each neck: then she awake them successively and become their lovers, but unrelentingly she
               goes beheading them in the culmination of the orgasm; and the head of the Giants, skewered in
               a rope or a sutrâtma, forms the necklace of Frya Kâlibur, in which every skull represent a Sign
               of the Sacred Alphabet of the White Race. Finally the Veil of the Death remains loose and Frya,
               Transformed in Raven again, returns swiftly with Navutan.
                      But is too late: in the same moment when she arrived, Navutan exhales his last sigh and
               his eye is being closed forever. Frya understands that will be impossible to reveal Navutan the
               secret of the Death because he has just died and he won't be able to read the Kâlachakra Key.
                      And  that's  how,  without  losing  an  instant,  Frya  takes  the  decision  that  she  will  save
               Navutan  and  the  White  Race:  she  become  a  Partridge  and  enters  again  in  Navutan.  The
               Kâlachakra Key must remain outside, because only She can exists in the depth of Himself. Frya
               must reveal to Navutan the Secret of the Death, not only to achieve his resurrection, but also to
               make that her Husband communicate it to men; in other way his immolation would be in vain.
                      But how expose to Navutan the Secret of the Death without the Kâlachakra Key, without
               showing  him  that  instrument  of  the  spiritual  incarceration,  for  his  comprehension?

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