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P. 73

«the other of the Occidental Sea»; Chrysaor would born armed with a Golden Sword, just as Lito
               de Tharsis, who would depart to America carrying the Wise Sword of the Iberian Kings. And I
               also believe that Pegasus is my son Noyo, who was born with Wings to fly up to the Abodes of
               the Liberator Gods and he has the power to open the founts with his strikes, just that in his
               case, it treats about the Founts of the Wisdom.

               The survivors of the House of Tharsis, curiously eighteen, were gathered near to the Secret
               Cave, in a narrow terrace naturally protected with huge rocks which allowed certain defense
               and whence could be dominated the hillside of the mountain range. The saga tells that one
               moment  before,  the  Men  of  Stone,  the  only  ones  who  knew  how  to  enter,  had  sustained  a
               counsel in the Secret Cave: before the disaster that was coming against the House of Tharsis,
               they swore to dedicate all the efforts to give fulfillment to the familiar mission and save the
               Wise Sword. Was necessary for the Lineage to continue existing at any cost; and concerning to
               the Wise Sword, they decided that, after the death of the last Vrayas, would remain perpetually
               deposited in the Secret Cave, at least until the day when other, Man of Stone, offspring of the
               House of Tharsis, would be able to see in it the Lytic Sign of K'Taagar and to know that they
               should go: until that occasion the Wise Sword would not see the light of day.
                      When they left, they communicated these determinations to their relatives and required
               news about the Realm. But the news that reached to the improvised refuge were strange and
               contradictories. It should be discarded a prompt help of the Romans due to the Golems had
               rebelled against them all the populations of the Gaul, cutting off the path to Spain: the rescue
               of Tartessos demanded now a very numerous expedition, which would leave unprotected the
               own Rome. On the other hand, in Tartessos, the Carthaginian victory had been overwhelming:
               all Tartessos was in power of the General Barca, what completed the total occupation of the
               South of Spain. To the Lords of Tharsis only remained their lives and a battalion of loyal and
               brave royal guards. However, something strange and contradictory happened.
                      Hamilcar  Barca, it is true, annihilated Tartessos down to convert it in debris. In this
               action both he, and the mercenary army, acted moved by an homicidal fury which surpassed
               every reasoning, by an indomitable force that possessed them and did not abandon them until
               they  destroyed  completely  the  already  occupied  city.  Was  as  if  the  hate  experimented  for
               centuries by the Golems against the House of Tharsis would have been accumulated in some
               obscure  recipient,  perhaps  in  the  Myth  of  Perseus,  to  release  it  all  together  in  the
               Carthaginian Soul.
                      Nevertheless, after consummated the irrational destruction, the General Barca and the
               military Chiefs who accompanied he recovered abruptly their lucidity, not being apart from this
               phenomenon the death of the twenty Golems and the departure of Bera and Birsha.
                      Momentarily,  something  was  interrupted,  something  that  impulsed  General  Barca  to
               desire  the  annihilation  of  the  House  of  Tharsis;  and  there  were  no  Golems  in  Tartessos
               anymore  to  restart  it.  Thereby,  free  for  the  moment  of  destructive  passion  of  the  Argive
               Perseus, Halmicar Barca worked with the reasonableness of an authentic Carthaginian, i.e., he
               thought in his personal interests. For Halmicar Barca the Enemy was not only in Rome; there,
               in any case, was the enemy of Carthage; but in Carthage were also the enemies of Halmicar
               Barca, who envied his career of successful general and distrusted of his power; those who had

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