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P. 75

In the I century B.C. the House of Tharsis had been related with the Roman nobility and
               was quite powerful in the Baetica, a province that counted with 175 cities, many of them rich
               and forceful as Corduba (Cordova), Gades (Cádiz), Hispalis (Seville) or Malacca (Málaga). Over
               the base of the estate given by the Carthaginian and the restitutions made by the Romans, the
               Lords of Tharsis developed a rustic Roman village, building a Lordly Residence and widening it
               with  the  acquisition  of  huge  extensions  of  fields  for  cultivation;  cereals,  olive,  grapevine,
               integrated  the  main  production,  apart  from  some  minerals  that  were  still  exploited  in  the
               mountain  range  of  Catochar.  It  must  be  clarified  that  the  Roman  cadatre  named  it  as  the
               «village of Turdes» while the Roman Empire governed, although, I will continue mentioning
               Lords of Tharsis to maintain the continuity of the narration.
                      As all the landowners families Roman-Hispanic possessed a dwelling in the City where
               they remained most part of the year; however, if they could, they always preferred to retire to
               the campestral land because their major interest was to be near to the Secret Cave.
                      The Golems had no chance to influence over the Roman population and their power was
               conserved intact only in Lusitania, in some regions of the Gaul, in Britain and Hibernia. After
               the campaigns of Julius Caesar, this power seemed to decrease completely and, for some time,
               was  believed  that  the  threat  was  definitely  conjured.  This,  as  was  seen,  was  an  error  of
               appreciation, a new  underestimation with respect to the capacity of  the Golems  to
               carry out their plans.
                      In  regard  to  the  Cult  of  the  Cold  Fire,  the  Lords  of  Tharsis  had  no  problems  to  re-
               implant  it  because  Romans  were  notably  tolerable  in  religious  matters  and,  also,  they  also
               worshipped thev Fire since remote Ages. In the Village of Tharsis they constructed a lararium
               dedicated  to  Vesta,  the  Roman  Goddess  of  Fire  and  Home:  there,  before  the  statue  of  the
               Goddess Vesta-Pyrena, burned the Perennial Lamp of the Home, the flamma Iar that should
               never be off. Even being now a private Cult, the House of Tharsis had not lost their mystical
               and  thaumaturge  fame,  and  soon  their  Village  became  in  other  place  of  pilgrimage  for  the
               seekers of the Spirit, without reaching, naturally, the proportions of the Age of Tartessos. The
               family gave to Rome good functionaries and soldiers, apart from the contribution of food and
               mineral production, but also provided Rome of Haruspex, Augurs and Vestals.

               Twelfth Day

                      The  emperor  Constantine,  with  the  Edict  of  Milan  of  313,  legalizes  Christianity  and
               grants rights equivalents to the official Pagan Cults. At the end of IV century, in the year 381,
               and  thanks  to  the  emperor  Theodosius  I,  is  declared  Christianity  «official  religion  of  the
               Estate» and Pagan Cults were forbidden; in 386 is ordained, through an imperial decree, «the
               closure  of  all  the  Pagan  temples»;  and  in  392,  by  imperial  law,  «the  Pagan  Cult  is
               considered and punished as crime of lese majesty», that’s to say, sanctioned with death
               sentence.  These  actions  not  affected  to  the  Lords  of  Tharsis  because  years  before  they  had
               already  adopted  Christianity  as  familiar  religion.  The  cult  of  Jesus  Christ  proceeded  from
               Canaan, the homeland of the Golems, and such origin resulted, as is logic, suspicious since the
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