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P. 71

troop that escorted them. The reality, very different, was that the Hierophants had considered
               many years ago the possibility that the Sacred Forest could fall in power of the Enemy and they
               had already taken, a decision for it: they would never permit it; the fall of the Sacred Forest
               would  imply,  necessarily,  its  destruction.  For  this  reason  when  the  fire,  which  advanced
               through the perimeter of the Forest, surrounded and embraced the centre of the Forest, the
               twenty Golems and the guard couldn't do anything to avoid the horrible death: the carbonized
               skeletons showed, later, that everybody had took refuge under the Apple-tree of Tharsis and
               that finally they were burnt and consumed as it and the rest trees of the Forest. All had been
               incinerated in such fire that was carefully planned for years and prepared through a studied
               distribution of firewood in different parts of the area: when entering to the Sacred Forest in
               conquest  train  the  Golems  would  not  win  an  area  but  they  would  fall  in  a  mortal  trap.  Of
               course, they would not have never supposed that the Tartessian Hierophants «would sacrifice»
               their Sacred Forest before to see it occupied by the Enemy and this reaction would be taken as a
               lesson for the Golems that, hereafter, would continue fighting against the descendants of the
               Pact of Blood.
                      And  the  underestimation  that  the  Hierophants  committed  when  evaluating  the  real
               power of the Golems was near to produce the definitive loss of the Wise Sword. If that not
               occurred  the  merit  can  only  be  attributed  to  the  incredible  courage  of  the  Vrayas;  and  to  a
               loyalty  to  the  Pact  of  Blood  which  was  beyond  the  death.  The  case  was  that  some  twenty
               kilometres  from  Tartessos,  over  the  hillside  of  the  Hill  Candelaria,  was  located  the  secret
               entrance to a Cave that had been conditioned in remote times by the White Atlanteans: was
               one of the works that had to be conserved according to the compromise of the Pact of Blood.
               Naturally,  after  the  cultural  defeat  of  the  Iberians  such  compromise  was  forgotten  and  the
               Cave, occult and solitary, remained abandoned for thousands of years. However, the purifiers
               effects of the family test that ended with the Reform of the Cold Fire, caused its re-discovery,
               even if not all, neither in any moment, could enter through it: the motive was that the secret
               entrance was signalized with the Vrunes of Navutan and only the Pure Blood, those who were
               capable  to  hearken  the  Language  of  the  Birds,  achieved  to  find  it;  who  not  reunited  those
               requirements could not discover it even being in front of it. Well, that Cave, had been chosen
               by the actual Vrayas to guard the Wise Sword. A corridor of Tartessian warriors formed to allow
               the  departure  of  the  Vrayas  from  Tartessos  and  to  save,  in  the  last  moment,  the  valuable
               heritage of the White Atlanteans: many died to realize this heroic recue, many that today are
               immortalized  for  their  courage,  awaiting  in  K'Taagar  the  moment  to  return  to  their  battle
               stations, when the Final Battle take place over the Earth. Due to their loyal service, the Vrayas,
               who in such time were the Queen of Tartessos and two Princesses, could reach to the secret
               entrance of the Cave. In reality they were followed such closer by Bera and Birsha that only one
               Princess,  carrying  the  Wise  Sword,  achieved  to  cross  the  threshold,  while  the  other  two
               remained  behind  to  stop  them.  And  was  in  this  moment  when  the  terrible  power  of  the
               Immortal Golems was seen because, even when the Vrayas fought them with their formidable
               stone axes, they did not need to employ any arm to dominate them, except for their demonic
               arts. The Power of the Illusion, in which they were Masters, was enough to immobilize and take
               possession of them. However, the Wise Sword was already safe in the Secret Cavern due to the
               Golems, who only possessed Soul but lacked of Spirit, would result impossible to comprehend
               the Vrunes of Navutan.

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