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to not stop to look the Countenance of the Death, what would produce his instant destruction,
and to focus in the Mirror that the Goddess of Wisdom means after the Death: only in this
way he could overcome the Death!, Perseus complies the indications with exactitude and,
contemplating himself in the Mirror of Frya, he achieves to comprehend the Death and
becomes a Man of Immortal Stone. At his return from the death, Perseus employs the
Language of the Birds to comprehend the Serpent with the Sign of the Origin: then he
acquires the Highest Wisdom and finds his Original Couple.
Hitherto the most important of the original theme transmitted to the native populaces
by the White Atlanteans. It is evident that great part of it, miraculously remembered thanks to
the familiar mission, was incorporated by the Lords of Tharsis in the Reform of the Cold Fire.
The Lydians, later, would contribute in its degradation through the «perfection of the
ritual form», which consisted in the demential attempt to exhibit externally, embodied in the
matter, signs that can only be metaphysical. Of course that those who would do more to
pervert the sense of the Theme of the Perseus Spirit would be the Priests of the Cultural Pact;
and after that the sense was reinstated by the Cult of the Cold Fire, without procrastination,
would be accompanied by the Golems with all their resources, involved in a war that they
considered of life or death for the plans of the White Fraternity that they served.
In times of the cultural fall the Pelasgians, long before that the Golems started their
sinister displacement to Europe, the original theme was constellated as Myth, the Names were
changing, and the meanings were distorted and inverted. In the Argive Myth, Perseus, under
commission of the tyrant of Sefiros for whom he recklessly promised to bring «The Head of
Medusa», he moves to Tartessos because the Monster lives in a forest of the Iberian peninsula:
such location is not meaningless due to Vides, the Lord of K'Taagar, was called Ides Aides or
Hades by the Priests, the Lord of Tar, that’s to say, of the Tartarus or Hell, thereafter Thar-sis,
Tar-tessos, etc., passed to designate infernal places. To this location contributed also, in great
form, the Golems, when they achieved to observe the sculpture of Goddess Pyrene and
identified it in all the ancient world as the «The gorgon Medusa». To the Argive Perseus helps
Hermes and Athena, in who is still possible to recognize Navutan and Frya. Navutan, indeed,
was called Hermes, Mercury, Wothan, etc.; as Hermes, according the Greeks, was son of an
«Atlantean» woman, daughter of Atlantean, and of a God (Zeus), what is not far from the
genealogy of the Great Chief of the White Atlanteans; was inventor of the alphabet, of the lyre
and the syrinx, which he exchanged to Phoebus, the Sun, by the caduceus which he used to
shepherd: if is considered that the caduceus is a rod with two coiled serpents, that The Sun
represents the Creator God, and the herd the animal-man, it is easy to distinguish in the figure
of Hermes to the one who has understood, through a language, the Symbol of the Serpent that
the Creator God uses to shepherd his servants. And Frya, on the other hand, was known as
Athena, Minerva, Aphrodite, Freya, etc.; of Her, Greeks said «she had born already armed»: so,
she was, Goddess of War, of Wisdom, and Love.
Since his inverse journey to Tartessos, the Argive Perseus started to behave as a clear
exponent of the Cultural Pact: he doesn't consult the Vrayas but he steal them the common eye;
these were sent to Alsis, i.e., a sacred forest, where he finds the Meliae nymphs, which are not
more than personifications of the Ashes; the Nymphs give him a bag of crane leather, where he
will place the Head of Medusa, and winged sandals to fly; Hades lent him the Helm of darkness
or cap of invisibility; and Hermes give him a sickle of half-moon form to cut the head of the