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P. 67

monster. But what most reveals this forgery engendered by the Priests of the Cultural Pact is
               the prevention of the Argive Perseus who fears to become a Man of Stone. Because in the
               Aegean Myth it is not a subsequent Wisdom but the own gaze of Medusa what turns in stone;
               the  Wisdom,  on  the  contrary,  is  not  beyond  the  Death  but  out,  with  Perseus,  definitely
               independent and unattainable for him. It not allows him to reflect himself in his Naked Truth:
               just puts an objective mirror where the «hero» will contemplate death without being trapped by
               it. That is all the help that Athena gives him: seeing her in front of the mirror, Perseus will cut
               the neck of Medusa with the sickle and will give death to the Death, not obtaining with this
               «feat» the immortality. Athena's mirror is a protector shield; the Head of Medusa, obtained in
               the purposeless feat of the Argive Perseus, is placed by the Goddess in the middle of the shield,
               permitting to understand clearly that in this Era, after the triumph of the Cultural Pact, the
               Wisdom is shielded by the Death, not existing any possibility for mortals to reach it. Of course,
               this is only a threat of the Priests of the Cultural Pact to discourage the quest for the liberation
               of the Spirit. Finally, as the Argive Perseus not reached the immortality neither the Wisdom,
               will not be able to comprehend the Serpent and due to this he was obeyed to kill it too, what he
               will do at the return of his «feat» when he fights against a dragon and releases Andromeda,
               with whom he procreate a numerous offspring.
                      Finally, taking the risk to be merciless executed by the Tartessians, the Golems achieved
               to infiltrate in the Sacred Forest and spy the Ritual of the Cold Fire. Since that unfortunate day,
               the Golems knew that they had found a Countenance and a Home for Medusa. In few years, by
               means  of  their  unceasing  preach  and  the  countless  Priests  that  helped  them  in  all  the
               populations of the Cultural Pact, it was popularized with renewed vigor the Argive legend of
               Perseus: the sons of Phorcys and Ceto, the Graerae, the Gorgons, and the Serpent that guards
               the Tree of the golden Apples, live in a sacred forest of Tartessos, region which in that period
               belonged to the Kingdom of Tartessos. Logically, won't be seen clearly the strategic advantage
               which could mean for the Golems the refloat and the adaptation of a «Myth» if we start from
               the erroneous principle that then no one believed that «it already happened». To think in this
               would demonstrate the ignorance about the ideology of the Golems. With their revolutionary
               conception  of  the  unity  of  God  in  the  ritual  Sacrifice,  the  Golems  sustained  the  amazing
               concept that the Myths had prophetic character. That is to say, that the Myths and, every
               argument  coming  from  Heaven  or  the  Gods,  are  never  accomplished  at  all,  are  never
               totally  realized.  They  had  blind  faith  in  that  if  the  circumstances  and  characters  were
               repeated, the Myth, as a Prophecy, would be developed again in the Earth; in synthesis, they

               The thing that has been, it is that which shall be;
               And what has been done is which shall be done:
               There is nothing new under the sun.

               Thereby, in the Golem judgment, if it was prophesied the Myth of the Argive Perseus this
               would be infallibly fulfilled: thereupon the execution sentence that existed over the House of
               Tharsis would be also accomplished.
                      Of course, we must not be deceived in regard to the activity of a Myth described unto its
               minor details: although in the credulous minds of the population, Perseus and Medusa, were

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