Page 62 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 62

Ninth Day

                      Amongst the Chosen Ones who faced the Test of the Cold Fire three results could be
               expected. First, that some of them not approved the Test, that is to say, that would have not
               passed through the effective experience of the Death, either due to the initial Terror not gave
               place to the Animal Passion, or because the Warm Fire not turned in Terror, or just because the
               Terror  avoided to  see the  Infinite Blackness  face to  face, or  by any other reason. In  second
               term,  that  some  of  them  had  really  died.  And  the  last,  that  some  of  them  would  have
               resuscitated. In the first case, the Chosen Ones would be executed in the next night of the Test
               of the Cold Fire; for the Tartessians Hierophants should not present to the Test the one who
               will not be really disposed to die; because from the Test no one had to leave alive; if someone
               died,  or  resuscitated,  who  would  reborn  would  not  be  who  died  but  a  Son  of  the  Death,
               someone who would carry a Signal of Death and the Death in Himself: that is to say, a Son of
               the Death would be begotten in the Death by Himself. Who assisted to the Test, and not died,
               not deserved to live: the Executioner Woman from Tartessos would hand down the stone axe
               over his neck; she would kill him the next night of the Test, in the copse of willows consecrated
               to  the  Moon  Goddess  Loa,  at  the  riverside  of  the  Odiel.  What  happened  to  them?  No  one
               certainly knew what would be their luck, if they really died forever, if they would resuscitate in
               another  world,  if  they  would  reincarnate  again  in  future  lives  or  if  their  Souls  would
               transmigrate to other beings.

                      But how much lasted the Test of the Cold Fire? Only the Hierophants, and those who
               have  failed,  and  who  would  die  too,  knew  it;  only  they  conserved  the  consciousness  of  the
               passed time. Those who were reflected in the Infinite Blackness, and found the Naked Truth of
               Themselves,  received  also  a  Reflect  of  the  Eternity:  the  contemplation  of  oneself,  what  is  a
               reflect  of  the  Eternal  Spirit,  is  experienced  in  a  unique  instant,  not  possible  to  be
               encompassed  by the Time of the Creation; the Chosen Ones who find the Kâlibur Death of
               Pyrene could not respond never that question; the experience of the Eternity is indescribable.

                      For this reason those from the second group, those who really died, were considered
               Very Loved by the Goddess, because she had retained them for the Eternity. And were realized
               the same funerals of the Wise Warriors to them: they would have the right to be incinerated
               with the sword in their hands; and an Ash wood urn, with his ashes, would be later thrown to
               the Occidental Sea.

                      In the third case, when exceptionally some Chosen One returned from the Death, was
               immediately  incorporated  to  the  Hierophants  College  of  Tartessos.  The  fact  constituted  a
               motive of celebration in all the Realm due to the population, who didn't understand esoteric
               quibbling’s, infallibly intuited that a Son of the Death meant a reward for the Race; even if he
               triumphed by Himself in the Test of the Cold Fire, the new Hierophant would be considered as
               the exponent of a collective merit, of a racial virtue. But the ancient Hierophants, who knew

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