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Logically, such composition had an esoteric meaning that only the hierophants or
Initiates knew, although, eventually, they disposed of an acceptable exoteric explanation. In
this last case they notified to the traveler, who sometimes could be an allied King or an
important ambassador to whom the knowledge could not be totally denied, that the eighteen
serpents represented the letters of the Tartessian alphabet, which they pretended to have
received from the Goddess. During the Ritual, the Initiates affirmed, to hear the Serpents of
the Goddess reciting the sacred alphabet. The esoteric Truth behind all this was that the
eighteen letters really corresponded to the eighteen Vrunes of Navutan and that with them
could be understood the Sign of the Origin and with this the Serpent, highest symbol of the
human knowledge. But such truth was scarcely intuited by the Tartessians Hierophants due to
in that days no one saw the Sign of the Origin neither remembered the Vrunes of Navutan:
when incorporating the Reform of the Cold Fire, the Lords of Tharsis had received the Word of
the Goddess that the House of Tharsis, offspring of the White Atlanteans, «would not be
extinguished while the lost Wisdom would be recovered by one of their members», and to
comply Her Word, «less than ever they should detach from the Wise Sword». That moment not
reached yet and no descendant of the House of Tharsis understood the depth meaning of the
esoteric Truth that revealed the Stone Head of Pyrene. So for them was also an unquestionable
truth the fact that the eighteen Serpents represented the letters of the Tartessian alphabet: the
two smaller Serpents, for example, corresponded to the two letters included by the Lydian and
its pronunciation remained in secret, the same for the name of the Goddess Moon composed
by the three vowels of the Iberians. In this case, the two vowels permitted to know the Name
that Goddess Pyrene gave to herself when she manifested as Cold Fire in the heart of men, i.e.,
«I am» (something like Eu or Ey).
Every year, when the winter solstice was coming, the Hierophants determined the
nearest full moon, and, in that night, was celebrated in Tartessos the Ritual of the Cold Fire.
Would not be many the Chosen ones who, finally, would dare to defy the test of the
Cold Fire: in almost all the cases a group that could be counted with the hand fingers. The
Menhir was aligned towards the West of the Apple-tree of Tharsis, in such way that the
Goddess Moon would invariably appear behind the tree and would transit through the sky until
reach the zenith, place from where would totally illuminate the Countenance of the Goddess
and, behind, the Apple-tree of Tharsis.
When the Brighter Countenance of the Goddess Moon was placed over the Sacred
Forest, the Chosen Ones remained in silence, with the legs crossed and expressing with the
hands the Mudra of the Cold Fire: in that moment only was permitted to chew willow's leafs;
apart of this, they had to remain in rigorous quietude. Until the zenith of the full moon, the
dramatic tension grew instant by instant and, in that point, reached such intensity that the
terror of the Chosen Ones seemed to had extend through the environment and turned
breathable: not only the terror was breathable but it was epidermal perceived, as though some
dreadful presence had sprouted from the rays of the Moon and had oppressed with a cold and
startling embrace.
Invariably was reached that climax at the beginning of the Ritual. Then a Hierophant
moved to the back part of the Stone Head and ascended through a little stair which was carved
in the rock of the Menhir and then placed in the interior of it. The stair, which counted
eighteen steps and ended in a circular platform, allowed the access to a frustum platform: this