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P. 53

local revelation of the Goddess. She had spoken to the Lords of Tharsis; in the communication,
               she affirmed that would be Her Fire what would be installed in the heart of men and would
               transmute them; and that Fire, in a beginning extremely Warm, finally would turn colder than
               the ice: and would be that Cold Fire what would produce the mutation of the human
                      It must be seen in this change something more than a simple aggregation of words: was
               the first time that in a Cult appeared the possibility to face and overcome the fear, in other
               words, to the feeling that in all Cults claimed the submission of the believer; the fear to the
               Gods  is  an  indispensable  and  necessary  feeling  to  maintain  alive,  to  ensure  the  terrestrial
               authority of the Priests; if men are not afraid of them, finally he will rebel against the Gods: but
               before he would rebel against the Priests of the Gods. However, this change would not be seen
               if before it is not clarified something that today is not so obvious: the fact that in all the Indo-
               Germanic  languages  «cold»  and  «fear»  have  the  same  root,  what  can  still  be  intuited,  for
               example, in the word (here the author gives an example in  an Spanish word which can't  be
               appreciated in the English translation) escalo-frío (that means chill of terror) with the Spanish
               word Frío (cold). Well, in that time, the word «Frío (cold)» was synonymous of «fear» and, in
               consequence, what the new Cult meant was that a terror without name would be installed in
               the  heart  of  the  believer  as  «Grace of  the  Goddess»;  and  that  terror  would  produce  the
                      In this way Belisana, the Goddess of the Cold Fire, had converted also in the «Goddess of
               Terror», a title that, even if the Lord of Tharsis couldn't knew it, belonged in very ancient times
               to the same Goddess, because the wife of Navutan was also known as «Frya, who infuses Terror
               to the Soul and succor to the Spirit».
                      After the arrival to the Iberian Peninsula, the Golems tried many times to occupy the
               Sacred  Forest  and  control  the  Cult  of  the  Goddess  of  the  Cold  Fire,  but  they  were  always
               refused  by  the  jealous  and  obstinate  mystical  madness  of  the  Lords  of  Tharsis.  Even  they
               reached to offer a genuine Perennial Lamp of the Swarthy Atlanteans, knowing that they didn't
               have one and that they were obeyed to permanently watch the flame of their primitive lamp of
               oil and asbestos. It is not necessary to clarify that they offered it in turn of the unification of
               the Cult and the institution of the ritual Sacrifice, and that such proposal resulted unacceptable
               for the Lords of Tharsis, the reason is obvious at this part of the narration. As it is also evident
               that such resistance, unusual for who had imposed over all the native populaces, added to their
               impossibility in the appropriation of the Wise Sword, what was permanently exasperating them
               against the Lord of Tharsis. The reaction of the Golems unchained that international campaign
               encouraging the conquest of Tharsis what ended in the dangerous Phoenician invasion attempt
               from the Balearics and Gades, or Cádiz. But the Lords of Tharsis convoked the Lydian and made
               the Phoenicians desist from their conquest project at least, for the next four centuries. From
               the  alliance  between  Iberians  and  Lydian  emerged  the  «Empire  of  Tartessos»,  which  soon
               expanded  through  all  Andalusia,  and  deprived  to  the  Phoenicians  of  coast  colonies  in  their
               territory.  The  «Baleares»  and  the  «Isla  de  León»,  settlement  of  Gades,  remained  isolated  of
               mainland  because  the  Tartessians  were  only  allowed  to  maintain  an  exiguous  commerce
               through their own ports. What would be the next reaction of the Golems before such might
               which was developing out of their control and that was frustrating all their plans? Before to
               give answer to that question, estimated and, paradoxically, patient Dr. Siegnagel, I must make

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