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P. 56

middle of an extensive ashes forest, without deforesting the zone; it is understood then,
               that the pilgrims received the immediate impression that such terrible sculpture was made by
               the Gods. But not only the Menhir was work of the Gods, because the conformation of the
               Countenance proceeded from that notable capacity to degrade the Divine that exhibited the
               Lydian;  craftily,  the  Tartessians  were  always  worried  to  inform  about  the  origin  of  the
               disquieting sculpture.
                      Who achieved to recover from the first impression, and became aware in the details of
               the extraordinary Countenance, had to appeal to all his forces to not be won, earlier or later, by
               the panic. Remember, Dr. that, for their worshippers, what they had in front was not just a
               mere  representation  of  an  inert  stone  but  the  Alive  Image  of  the  Goddess:  Pyrene  was
               manifested in the Countenance and the Countenance participated of Her. And was that hieratic
               Countenance what stole the breath. Probably, if someone would have achieved, with a powerful
               abstraction act, to separate the Face, from the Head of the Goddess, would have found it of
               beautiful traits; in first place, and although of the green coloration of the stone, due to the
               form of the traits it undoubtedly belonged to the White Race; in the next order, would need to
               be  recognized  in  the  general  countenance  an  archetypal  Indo-Germanic  beauty  or  directly
               Aryan:  the  Oval  of  the  Visage  rectangular;  broad  Forehead;  thick  Eyebrows,  horizontal  and
               slightly curved; the Eyelids, as we already said that the Eyes remained closed, demonstrated by
               their  expression  a  Frontal  Gaze,  of  orbed  and  perfect  Eyes;  the  Nose  straight  and
               proportionate; strong and prominent chin; strong and thin Neck; the Mouth, with the lower lip
               thicker and a little more protrusive than the upper, was perchance the most beautiful note: was
               lightly opened and curved in an scarcely outlined Smile, in an unequivocal gesture of cosmic
                      Naturally, no one without the needed capacity of abstraction would be aware of these
               signalized  traits.  On  the  contrary,  undoubtedly  all  his  attention  would  be  absorbed
               immediately by the Hair of Goddess; and this primary observation surely would neutralize the
               aforementioned esthetic appreciation: when contemplating the Head on its conjunction, Hair
               and  Face,  the  Goddess  presented  that  frightening  Aspect  which  produced  panic  in  the  redu
               pilgrims. But what was in her Hair able to paralyze those rude pilgrims, normally habituated to
               danger?  Serpents;  Serpents  of  exceptional  realism.  Her  Hair  was  composed  by  eighteen
               Serpents of stone: eight, of different length, fell on both sides of the Face and other two, much
               smaller, were curly on her forehead.
                      Each pair of eight Serpents were at the same height: two in the height of the Eyes, two in
               the Nose, two in the Mouth and two in the Chin; emerging from a previous level of Hair, the
               other  eight  serpentines  returned  and  situated  their  heads  within  the  anterior.  And  each
               Serpent, when separating from the other forelocks, formed in the air with its body two opposed
               curves, as an (S), which permitted to announce the next movement: the mortal attack. And the
               two Serpents of the Forehead, although smaller, also evidenced identical aggressive attitude. In
               sum, when the Countenance of the Smiling Goddess was admired frontwards, emerged with
               strength the arch of the eighteen Serpent heads of Her Hair; and all the heads were forward
               turned, accompanying with her eyes the Gaze without Eyes of the Goddess; and all the heads
               had the jaw horribly opened, exposing the mortal fangs and abysmal throats. Therefore, must
               not  surprise,  that  such  impressive  apparition  of  the  Goddess  terrified  her  most  loyal

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