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P. 54

you aware of the consequences that the presence of the Lydian produced in the Cult of the Cold
               Fire. To understand the next we only need to remember that the Lydian were more «educated»
               than  the  Iberians,  that’s  to  say,  more  culturally  civilized,  instead  the  more  «uneducated»
               Iberians, in other words, more barbarous, were more spiritually «cultivated» than the Lydian,
               they possessed more Wisdom than Knowledge.
                      Those differences would produce that the Lydian Princes, now from the same family of
               the Lord of Tharsis, would accept without deepening in the esoteric meaning of the Cult of the
               Goddess of the Cold Fire, therefore would be denominated by common agree «Pyrene», and
               would employ all their effort to improve the exoteric form of the Cult. Such application goes
               always in detriment of the esoteric part and, as could not be in other way, with the time would
               result fatal for the Tartessians. But this you will see then, as I announced, I am going step by
                      The Lydians, as in other industries, were skilled artisans of stone.
                      What  do  you  believe  that  they  made  in  their  eagerness  in  the  development  of  the
               exterior form  of the Cult? They decided, before of  the  horror of their  Iberian  relatives that
               nothing could make to avoid it, to carve the Menhir in the Sacred Forest with the Image of
               Pyrene; the sculpture would contribute in the sustaining of the Cult, they explained, due to the
               necessity of the Lydian people of a more specifically image of the Goddess: her representation
               as the Flame was too abstract for them.
                      The Menhir consisted in a brute stone olive colored, of some five metres of elevation,
               and of truncated cone form: the Lydian proposed to employ it completely to carve the Head of
               the Goddess. According to their project, the nape had to be in front of the Apple-tree, in such
               form that the Divine Face would see directly to the population; and the people, distributed in a
               surrounding clear space from where was performed the ritual scene, would see the Face of the
               Goddess and, behind it, the Apple-tree of Tharsis. Two Master sculptors worked in the carving,
               one  to  sculpt  the  Face  and  the  other  the  serpentines  forelocks,  meanwhile  other  three
               assistants  were  occupied  to  make  the  cavity  of  the  nape,  connected  with  the  Eyes  of  the
               Goddess. The work was not finished before of five years due to, even when the iron tools of the
               Lydian allowed to advance a lot in the beginning, the proposed polished termination demanded
               them  many  years  of  work:  really,  the  Tartessians  would  continue  polishing  for  decades  the
               Head of Pyrene, until to endow it an impressive realism.
                      The necessity that the Lydian felt in the contemplation of a figurative manifestation of
               the  Goddess  was  common  in  that  Period:  the  populations  of  the  Cultural  Pact  were
               experimenting then a widespread fall in the exoterism of the Cult, what took them to worship
               the most formal and apparent aspects of the Deity. The populations presaged that the Gods
               were retiring from inside, but they only could detain from outside: for that reason they were
               desperately  clung  to  the  Bodies  and  the  Divine  Faces,  and  to  any  natural  form  which
               represented them. Being in this way, must not surprise the intense religious fervor that awakes
               in the populations, and the extraordinary geographic diffusion, that the Cult of the Cold Fire
               produced  after  the  transformation  of  the  Menhir.  Apart  of  the  Tartessians,  prideful
               depositaries  of  the  Promise  of  the  Goddess,  people  from  thousand  different  populations
               pilgrimaged towards the «Sacred Forest of Tartessos» to be present in the Ritual of the Cold
               Fire:  among  others,  were  the  Iberians  and  Ligurians  coming  from  all  the  corners  of  the
               peninsula, and the brilliant Pelasgians from Tyrrhenia, and the portly Berbers from Libya, and

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