Page 51 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 51

Seventh Day

                      The mountain ranges of Sierra Morena are part of the divisory Mariánica which separates
               the south of Andalusia from the rest of the Iberian Peninsula; from the Mediterranean, in front
               of the Baleares, up to the Gordo hill in the base level of the river Guadiana, its land relief has an
               approximated longitude of six hundred kilometres. In the occidental extreme, giving origin to
               the river Odiel, which goes from the East to the Southeast of the Sierra de Aracena, in one of its
               hills  is  enclaved  the  Templar  Castle  from  which  I  will  refer  later.  Many  chains  of  minor
               mountain ranges extend to the South: one of them is the one of the River Tinto, from where
               comes the river of the same name; other is the Catochar, settlement of the main mines of the
               House of Tharsis. The rivers Tinto and Odiel descend towards the Golfo de Cádiz and converge, a
               few kilometres before the coast, forming a wide estuary. In the fringe of the terrain that is
               between both rivers, over the base level of the Odiel, is established there since ancient times the
               fluvial and maritime city of Onuba, today called Huelva. And some twenty five kilometres from
               Onuba, Odiel above, was located the ancient citadel of Tharsis, in the environs of the actual
               village of Valdeverde del Camino.
                      The  river  Tinto  (red  wine  colored),  or  Pinto,  receives  that  name  due  to  its  waters
               descends  crimsoned,  stained  by  the  iron  mineral  that  collects  in  Sierra  Aracena.  The  Odiel,
               otherwise, was always a sacred river for the Iberians and due to this they identified it with the
               most important Vrune, the Vrune that represents the Name of Navutan, the Great Chief of the
               White Atlanteans. It seems, that Navutan meant Lord (Na) Vutan, in the language of the White
               Atlanteans; the different Indo-German populations which participated in the Pact of Blood, but
               when they fell to the Strategy of the Cultural Pact, they concluded that it was referring to a God
               and they worshipped him under different Names, all derived from Navutan: in this way he was
               called Nabu (from Nabutan); Wothan (from Na-Vutan, Na-Wothan); Odan or Odin (from Nav-
               Odan, Nav-Odin); Odiel or Odal (from Nav-Odiel, Nav-Odal); etc.
                      Five kilometres to the North of the citadel of Tharsis, in the mountain ranges system of
               the Sierra Catochar, is located the hill Char, name that means Fire and Verb in divers Iberian
               dialects. On its peak existed an Ash forest which was venerated by the Iberians in memory of
               Navutan:  there  the  White  Atlanteans  had  erected  an  enormous  Menhir  signalized  with  His
               Vrune. They had planted it in the middle of the forest, in a site where, strangely, existed a little
               group of apple-trees. In the days of the Lords of Tharsis, only survived one of those trees, and
               no  one  knew  to  explain  if  the  others  disappeared  by  natural  causes  or  by  intentional
               deforestation. The one that remained planted was like twenty steps from the Menhir and was
               seen with no doubts that it was a tree many times centennial.
                      All  the  pre-Greek  Mediterranean  antiquity  knew  the  existence  of  the  «apple-trees  of
               Tharsis», where the devotees of the Goddess of Fire usually realized annual pilgrimages. In a
               beginning,  indeed,  the  ashes  and  apple-trees  were  associated  to  Navutan  and  Freya,
               Later,  after  the  alliance  of  blood  with  the  populaces  of  the  Cultural  Pact,  the  Priests
               consecrated the Apple-tree of Tharsis to the Goddess Belisana and established the custom to

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